Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement On Being Supportive Of Colleagues
Self I purpose to give freely of myself concerning truthful commitment among fellow colleagues. I will operate only in my area of competency involving ministry. I will respect and protect my own needs for spiritual growth, ethical integrity, and continuing education in order to deepen and strengthen myself and any ministry task. I purpose to seek God first, even when supporting a colleague’s choice or decision that will affect the God’s ministry. Colleagues I will purpose to be supportive of colleagues, because it helps foster a spirit of unity and strength in each other weakness. I will purpose to help keep a colleague from being isolated, even when he or she may have a difference of opinion. I will strictly respect a colleague’s privacy, unless the situation appears to be unhealthy and life threatening. I will not engage in a misleading behavior or be supportive of same sex marriage in which a colleague may choose to perform the wedding. I will not give an opinion or comment on matters between other colleagues, if the circumstance or situation did not involve my presence being in attendance. I will not discredit the character of any colleague public or private, regardless of the difference one may have toward one another. I will express my thoughts and feeling toward any local issues to my colleague if I fail to share the same interest or opinion on a subject that my cause more damage than good without all the fact of the situation. I will accept no request for myShow MoreRelatedDescribe the Core Values and Competencies Which Underpin Therapeutic Delivery of Counselling and Psychotherapy Applications.1246 Words  | 5 Pagesapproaches. The presentation of different ways of conceiving ethics alongside each other in this statement is intended to draw attention to the limitations of relying too heavily on any single ethical approach. Ethical principles are well suited to examining the justification for particular decisions and actions. However, reliance on principles alone may detract from the importance of the practitioner’s personal qualities and their ethical significance in the counselling or therapeutic relationship. TheRead MoreAcca Per1705 Words  | 7 Pagesfaced with complex risk is sues to ensure that the right decision is made | 4 Manage self | Actively evaluate your own performance and participate in your organisations appraisal process Identify your own development needs and regularly review your personal development plan Work effectively and reliably to ensure that everything for which you are personally responsible is completed to a high standard Work effectively as part of a team, providing support for others where appropriate Work effectivelyRead MoreHuman Behavior And Its Effects On The Health Care Environment1514 Words  | 7 Pagesclient’s perception of his/her circumstance and support provided by members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team and social support systems within the client’s personal environmental setting. A combination of factors contributes to resilience. Many studies show that the primary factor of resilience is having caring and supportive relationships with family and friends. Relationships that create love and trust, provide role models and offer encouragement and reassurance that help bolster a personRead MoreSample Resume : My Cooperative Education Placement Essay1562 Words  | 7 Pagespayable officer is tasked with reviewing invoices, sort documents, recording transactions, and processing invoices. Hence, my role included assisting in accounts payables, receivables and general auditing while applying the concepts of financial statements reporting and audit ing. More specifically, I was involved in data entry, record keeping, verifying transactions and invoices, and processing invoices due for payment. Besides, I assisted in other accounting tasks in the company’s head office asRead More the first days of school Essay609 Words  | 3 Pagesnegative comments, complain and make excuses. It is important to find a mentor who is supportive. Being the new kid on the block it is imperative to work in a collegial manner with all your colleagues. I like the â€Å"beg, borrow, and steal!†concept because as new teachers there is no way to walk into a classroom fully equippedâ€â€therefore if you see a teacher doing something you resonate with steal it. In my personal opinion there are no original ideas in the universeâ€â€just original ways to implement anRead MoreThe Evolutions Of Social Media1585 Words  | 7 Pagesclinical. Ashley appreciates Roxanne’s supportive care and hopes to attend nursing school. Roxann e’s clinical placement is coming to an end this week. The nursing student faces an ethical dilemma on whether to accept or to not accept a client’s friend request on Facebook. The use of an ethical framework is beneficial in aiding a nurse through an ethical dilemma. An ethical framework by Oberle and Raffin will be used for the case analysis, followed by a personal reflection. The Oberle and Raffin modelRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Mediator?1439 Words  | 6 Pagesfruition. I am trustworthy and dependable so that people can rely on me in any situation. My strengths include being a good mediator and listener to help people overcome obstacles to achieving success, whether it is an interpersonal conflict or a work-related issue. I am also a creative thinker and problem-solver so I can assist team members with any challenges when utilizing a supportive leadership approach. It’s important to stay focused on the task at hand while in a professional setting and IRead MoreThe Issue Of A Domestic Violence Advocate952 Words  | 4 Pagesstruggled with this justification because I have been maintaining my self-care plan and the idea of expanding it. But yet I found myself still stressed and here this chapter was discussing the very issue I am currently am working through. True in the statement made that constant work is detrimental to your judgement and thus a disservice to your client. Perspective on issues is necessary to make sound decisions. Here I struggled with the rationalization but had not seen from the angle that by not takingRead MoreConceptual Framework Ethical Dispositions Essay1262 Words  | 6 Pagescolumn, list 7 instances of overlap between the two documents by asserting the comparison of the overlapping statements. Be sure to cite each appropriately. In the right-hand column, state the priority from 1-7, (â€Å"1†being the most important) you would assign this concept as an educator; state and defend your rationale. Use research to support your rationale. Comparison of overlapping statements regarding teacher ethics | Priority of specific ethical disposition/protocol and rationale | The professionalRead MoreBusiness and Administration Unit Four1378 Words  | 6 Pagesmethods, products or services may include: * identifying anything that is not working * providing the opportunity to improve * Reviewing products ensures that they are still fit for purpose * Reviewing services ensures that what is being offered is competitive and what the customer wants 2. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. Effective planning the support for people in an organisation can be planned
Monday, May 18, 2020
Interview Questions On Behavioral Interviewing - 858 Words
Interview Questions and Prepared Answers. Behavioral interviewing is a relatively new, but widely used mode of job interviewing. The behavioral interview technique is used by employers to evaluate a candidate’s experiences and behaviors in order to determine their potential for success. This approach is based on the belief that past performance is the best predictor of future behavior. In fact, behavioral interviewing is said to be 55 percent predictive of future on-the-job behavior, while traditional interviewing is only 10 percent predictive. The interviewer identifies desired skills and behaviors, and then structures open-ended questions and statements to elicit detailed responses. A rating system is developed and selected criteria are evaluated during the interview. Even if you don’t have a great deal of work experience, companies expect you to be able to relate past experiences – from undergraduate or graduate school, campus activities, volunteer work, membe rship in an organization, etc. – to the job for which you are interviewing (Bliga, 2016). What are telephone interviews? They are real interviews held over the phone rather than face-to-face. You will usually be interviewed by a member of the graduate recruitment or HR team. Telephone interview will usually be given to candidates who have passed the online application and/or psychometric test stage of the graduate recruitment process and is used to sift out applicants to be invited to a face-to-face interview orShow MoreRelatedSituational Interview For Your Dream Job1154 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen a part of a behavioral or situational interview for your dream job? The recruit, select, and hire process is essential for choosing the right person for a job. In this process, interviews are conducted in the selection portion. A job interview is a one on one, panel, or group conversation between the applicant and representative of an company. The purpose of an interview is to assess whether the applicant should be hired and/or continue through the hiring process. Interviews giv e insight intoRead MoreThe Advantage Of Therapeutic Communication In Motivational928 Words  | 4 PagesThe advantage of therapeutic communication in motivational interviewing is establishing grounds for the clients to develop self- openness and confidence to talk about their health challenges and make behavior change. In this paper, I will be discussing the importance of verbal communication skills of motivational interviewing. Verbal communication in motivational interviewing is information sharing between two or more parts by using spoken speeches to convey their intended behavior changes ( ). TheRead MoreEvaluating A Good Candidate For Their Organization1467 Words  | 6 PagesStructured Interviewing Analysis There are many different interviewing processes that companies use to determine who qualifies as a good candidate for their organization. Interviewers must be knowledgeable in their career and prepare a unique set of predetermined questions that appertain to what the company is looking for in future employees. In a thorough search about structured interviews, also known as a â€Å"standardized†interview, several components and coding words attracted more attention thanRead MoreToward Intentional Interviewing and Counseling1652 Words  | 7 PagesIntentional Interviewing and Counseling INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS THE â€Å"CORRECT†RESPONSE TO OFFER A CLIENT? * There are many potentially useful responses in any interviewing situation. * Reflecting the client’s emotions can be helpful. * Selecting one aspect to focus on can be useful, and then later you can examine other dimensions by asking an open question. * Our tasks: * Respect the client * Use appropriate skills and strategies * Seek to alleviate stress INTERVIEWING, COUNSELINGRead MoreMotivational Interview Two. According To The Centers For1097 Words  | 5 PagesMotivational Interview Two According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), only 21% of Americans are sufficiently physically active according to the guidelines set forth in 2008. Thus, living a sedentary lifestyle has become an epidemic, and one that is not without consequence. The CDC (2014) further states that one’s risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke, depression, some cancers, and early death is noticeably higher for those living a sedentary lifestyleRead MoreBeing A Transfer Student From The Uw Green Bay Essay1673 Words  | 7 Pagesthe representatives were always willing to answer any questions I had and it was a great way to gauge if the company culture was a good fit for me. I made sure to grab as many business cards as possible so that I could send thank you emails to the individuals I talked to. The people were always extremely nice at every event, so I never had a bad experience with any of the firms. Before I Started looking at picking the firms I wanted to interview with, I decided that my resume could be spruced up aRead MoreJob Interview Questions and Sample Answers1444 Words  | 6 PagesAds Strong Interview Answers The 3 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview. Check Them Out! Best Interview Answers Secrets to Help You to Get Hired in Your Next Job Interview. Start Now! The Best Interview Answer Answers Top 50 Interview Questions DownLoad Free Ebook Now. See More About job interview questions and answers job interviews interview questions job interview tips Ads How To Speak EnglishRead MoreThe PEACE and Cognitive Interviewing Models vs. the Reid Technique 1725 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Interviewing. These methods are not interrogation techniques like Reid but interview processes. The Reid Technique is an interrogation process that consists of two parts, the interview and a nine-step interrogation. The interview, which is non-accusatory in nature, gives the interviewer a chance to gather information related to the case. The interview also allows the interrogator to gather behavioral information by conducting what is known as a behavioral analysis interview (BAI) (InbauRead MoreHR CHAPTER 711245 Words  | 56 Pages13e (Dessler) Chapter 7 Interviewing Candidates 1) Which of the following is the most commonly used selection tool? A) telephone reference B) reference letter C) interview D) personality test Answer: C Explanation: C) Interviews are the most widely used selection procedure. Not all managers use tests, reference checks, or situational tests, but most interview a person before hiring. Diff: 1 Chapter: 7 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Outcome: Describe effective interviewing techniques 2) Which ofRead MoreThorough Pre Employment Assessments1358 Words  | 6 Pagesprovided by the applicant was being truthful and the information was accurate. Another method utilized by BSS is the process of interviewing with BSS managers and Stanley. Interviewing is one method of gathering information from the candidate about their work history, skills used in past positions, and even behaviors in certain situations. When done correctly, interviewing can flush out strengths and weakness of the candidate in relation to the position they are applying to fulfill. The third process
Monday, May 11, 2020
Yellow Wallpaper - 1095 Words
Feminist studies generally focus on the role that hysterical diagnoses and treatments played in reinforcing the prevailing, male-dominant gender roles through the subversion, manipulation and degrading of female experience through the use of medical treatments and power structures. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å" The Yellow Wallpaper†is a perfect example of these themes. In writing this story, Charlotte Perkins Gilman drew upon her own personal experiences with hysteria. The adoption of the sick-role was a product of-and a reaction against gender norms and all of the pressures and tensions that their satisfaction demanded. Gilman’s essay uses autobiographical experiences displayed as doppelganger quality the in the main narrator of the†¦show more content†¦Kessler emphasizes the point that this one short story seemed parallel and mirror the views of Gilman in regards to the oppression of women in her society. Comparing the two, Kessler writes,  "This once she was able to join her public and private expressions in a work of devastating impact†(Kessler 1991 p.159). Gilman, who was a leader and crusader in the women’s rights movement, tried to expel away the gender bias that plague women, just as the narrator in her story tries to pull off the wallpaper in her room to free the trapped women behind it. The patriarchal society at that time period was Gilman’s wallpaper. She had to work hard at trying to force through societal changes. Just like the resistant old wallpaper in her story, ridged and yellow with age, Gilman and her counterparts had much difficulty in pushing through the wallpaper of tradition. Unlike the narrator in the story, who eventually frees from behind the wallpaper I’ve got out at last†¦And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back!†(Gilman 1899 p.9) Gilman did not live to see her life’s work complete. As only small advances in Woman’s Rights were made before her passing in 1935. Gilman’s freedom from confinement is not into insanity when she finally rips down the paper, but goes through a crisisShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wallpaper829 Words  | 4 Pages The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper first appeared in 1892 and became a notary piece of literature for it s historical and influential context. Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper was a first hand account of the oppression faced toward females and the mentally ill,whom were both shunned in society in the late 1890s. It is the story of an unnamed woman confined by her doctor-husband to an attic nursery with barred windows and a bolted down bed. Forbidden to writeRead More The yellow wallpaper619 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The plot of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†comes from a moderation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s personal experience. In 1887, just two years after the birth of her first child, Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell diagnosed Gilman with neurasthenia, an emotional disorder characterized by fatigue and depression. Mitchell decided that the best prescription would be a â€Å"rest cure†. Mitchell encouraged Gilman to â€Å"Live a domestic l ife as far as possible,†to â€Å"have two hours’ intellectual lifeRead MoreYellow Wallpaper1673 Words  | 7 PagesSvetlana Kryzhanovskaya Prof. Grajeda ENC 3014-MidTerm Paper March 12, 2012 Structuralism amp; Feminist Theory ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ written by Charlotte Gilman can be affectively analyzed from two schools of thought structuralism and feminist theory. Though structuralists’ deny the work of literature any connection to its author (it must be what it is, no underlying meaning) feminist theory must first and foremost be understood in its historical framework. By the turn of the century,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper3202 Words  | 13 PagesEnglish 1302 22 November 2011 Main Character’s Outsider Theme In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator, Jane, is struggling to deal with her depression that she is suffering in a confined room that her husband, John put her in. John believes that this will cure Jane and make her better from her depression. Instead, Jane is slowly losing herself within the yellow wallpaper in the room causing her to become insane. Jane is not able to express her feelings with her husbandRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1362 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†Charlotte Perkins Gilman â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is gothic psychological short story written in journal-style with first-person narrative. Other elements used in the story are symbols, irony, foreshadowing, and imagery. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper is about a woman who suffers from postpartum depression. Her husband, a physician, puts her on â€Å"rest cure of quiet and solitude.†(Wilson 278). This cure consisted of the narrator being confinedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper961 Words  | 4 Pages The Yellow Paper is a symbolic story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is a disheartening tale of a woman struggling to free herself from postpartum depression. This story gives an account of an emotionally and intellectual deteriorated woman who is a wife and a mother who is struggling to break free from her metal prison and find peace. The post-partum depression forced her to look for a neurologist doctor who gives a rest cure. She was supposed to have a strict bed rest. The woman livedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1844 Words  | 8 PagesSarah Kreeger EngWr 301 Professor Bradford 21 July 2013 Short Story Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper: The Power of Society’s Views On the Care of Mental Patients â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman takes the form of journal entries of a woman undergoing treatment for postpartum depression. Her form of treatment is the â€Å"resting cure,†in which a person is isolated and put on bed rest. Her only social interaction is with her sister-in-law Jennie and her husband, John, who is alsoRead Moreyellow wallpaper1165 Words  | 5 PagesIn the short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, talks about a woman who is newly married and is a mother who is in depression. â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper†is written as the secret journal of a woman who, failing to relish the joys of marriage and motherhood, is sentenced to a country rest cure. Though she longs to write, her husband - doctor forbid it. The narrator feels trapped by both her husband and surroundings. The woman she sees behind the wallpaper is a symbol of herself andRead More The Yellow Wallpaper1523 Words  | 7 Pages emotion and sentimentalism, Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote the short story The Yellow Wallpaper in order to help the oppressed females recover their voice, their rights, and their freedom. She skillfully leaded the reader’s interest from a little horrible opening; then, a curious feeling about Jane’s life immediately became anger because of the unexpected climax of the narrator’s own recognition in the yellow wallpaper. The author tried to show that female would stand up and do whatever they can,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper719 Words  | 3 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper In the grips of depression and the restrictions prescribed by her physician husband a woman struggles with maintaining her sanity and purpose. As a new mother and a writer, and she is denied the responsibility and intellectual stimulation of these elements in her life as part of her rest cure. Her world is reduced to prison-like enforcement on her diet, exercise, sleep and intellectual activities until she is well again. As she gives in to the restrictions and falls
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aristotle s Realism Philosophy And Philosophy - 1590 Words
Aristotle’s Realism Philosophy Realism is an educational philosophy; furthermore it is a teaching that stresses knowledge that develops from one s own my opinion this is great idea for educational philosphy, because it shows that sense deveolpement is the realest possible learning to have. Under this philosophy the idea exists that there is a real world not constructed by human minds, that can be known by one s own mind. It is through experiencing the world around everyone in which one learns the guiding principles and the conduct of life. Reality is what one experiences in the physical world. Therefore, everything one can learn and know comes from experiencing the world around us. Aristotle is considered by most to be one of the greatest realism philosophers. He was born in a Grecian colony at Stagira, 384 B.C. At birth he was born into a set life. His father, Nicomachus, had a position under the King Amyntas of Macedonia as court physician. Therefore, this could relate to how his education started off . It was thought that his ancestors held the same position under the King because this way the area of court physician could become hereditary. Through the life of Aristotle, one would wonder how a mere thought of realism philosophy could impact the way education is practiced today. Aristotle s way of life reflected the way he thought and what he wrote for the people to view and educate upon today. He has many philosophies that are used in the classroom todayShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Idealism and Realism3232 Words  | 13 Pagesso forth. This has truly been a debate for the ages in philosophy, one that has stimulated thinkers, philosophers, theologists and scientists for thousands of years, hence led emergence of idealism and realism as two major traditional philosophical schools of thought in the realm of philosophy. So this paper projects the meaning of idealism and meaning of realism then discusses in detail the basic assumptions of idealism and those of realism and how these two traditional schools of thought differRead MoreThe 5 Hearths Of Civilization2028 Words  | 9 Pagescivilizations. Plato and Aristotle Plato and Aristotle are two of the most famous figures in ancient Greek history. These men were two of the most influential philosophers and scholars of their times. Although Aristotle was considered Plato’s most prized student, they had their differences. As a devoted follower of Socrates, Plato was an idealist. He developed what is known as inductive reasoning, which is going from a specific observation to a generalization. On the other hand, Aristotle was a realist whoRead MoreDifferences Between Idealism and Realism3232 Words  | 13 Pagesso forth. This has truly been a debate for the ages in philosophy, one that has stimulated thinkers, philosophers, theologists and scientists for thousands of years, hence led emergence of idealism and realism as two major traditional philosophical schools of thought in the realm of philosophy. So this paper projects the meaning of idealism and meaning of realism then discusses in detail the basic assumptions of idealism and those of realism and how these two traditional schools of thought differRead MorePolitical Philosophy, By Steven Cahn1197 Words  | 5 PagesIn Steven Cahn s book, Political Philosophy, The Essential Texts, philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau created the circumstances to enable the fundamental principals of philosophy and politics. These knowledgeable, astute and significant men have helped to achieve the structure of our past and present democracy as well as a plan of action for the rights and values that we as citizens can all relate to today. They are grounded in their thinking and tied togetherRead MorePhilosophies Of Sister Carrie By Theodore Dreiser1013 Words  | 5 PagesAustin Ricco†¨Professor Sloan†¨American Realism†¨11/20/16 †¨Philosophies of Sister Carrie†¨ There are few writers that could create a body of work that encompasses as many concepts as Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie. His novel follows the life and times of Carrie, a ‘country bell’ of sorts who abandons her way of life in favor of a city lifestyle. Through through Carries progress, Dreiser embodies many philosophies of intelligence, experience, and personal growth. Many great philosophers have touchedRead MoreRealism And The Language Of Universals And Particulars2044 Words  | 9 PagesNominalism and Realism in relation to the Language of Universals and Particulars Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Nominalism as: â€Å"a theory that there are no universal essences in reality and that the mind can frame no single concept or image corresponding to any universal or general term†on the other hand it defines realism as: â€Å"a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind; specifically: the conception that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality†. Throughout theRead MoreChristian Schools And Its Impact On The Development Of The Community871 Words  | 4 PagesChristian schools play a vital role in the development of the community and the students that make up the body. The Christian church has often seen philosophy as a roadblock to understanding our true purpose as humans and not a tool for learning what that purpose is. Philosophy is our response to every area of life, because through philosophy we investigate the truths and principles of being. Apostle Paul wrote two letter to the Thessalonians in which he was concerned about their receptivityRead MoreThe Main Controversies of Medieval Thought in the 12th and 13th Centuries1050 Words  | 5 Pagesreason. Most philosophical debate revolved around these and to a lesser extent the opposition of realists and nominalists on the question of universals. The type of philosophy that was being taught in the Christian schools of the time has been given the name of scholasticism. Scholastics shared a common respect for the ideas of Aristotle, Plato, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius, and Avicenna. These were referred to by scholastics as the authorities. The views of the time were mainly Augustinian and PlatonicRead MoreThe Influence Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles1785 Words  | 8 PagesAges. Moreover, this served as a pivotal time not only for traditional art, but for free and open thought in general. Because of the Renaissance s lasting influences and the grandeur of change it commenced, it will remain embedded in history for so long as the human race continues to exist. In this period of transcendence, Greco-Roman culture and philosophy saw its return, the Catholic Church suffered a decline, art revolutionized itself, and academia returned to antiquity. In the Proto-RenaissanceRead MoreThe Fall Of Death, Destruction And War879 Words  | 4 Pagesclassicism and the issues of religion such as the distancing from church and humankind s search for the meaning of their existence and how life works. With these ongoing issues renaissance paintings were often depicting images of war, death, the values from ancient greece and rome and they became more secular as well. Additionally, the artist began to develop new techniques such as linear perspective, realism, depth, symmetry, and classicism. Artists also began to make use of light, detail anatomy
Vermont Teddy Bear Free Essays
As a good marketing strategy, it would be wise for Vermont teddy Bear to penetrate at least the distribution channels of various toy stores. Therefore as a suggestion, the company should at least create a special â€Å"manufacturer-to-dealer†program which will be initiated and targeted towards the specialty and toy store businesses operating today. In this notion, it is recommended also to Vermont that it sets up a special discount program offer in its website which will be geared towards potential visitors who are willing to be distributors of the company’s products. We will write a custom essay sample on Vermont Teddy Bear or any similar topic only for you Order Now Basically, the rationale for this suggestion comes in the aspect of attaining more exposure or advertising mileage without themed to add more mediums of advertising. Acquiring a list of specialty stores which are willing to distribute and resell the teddy bear products can help Vermont Teddy Bears to save money. Also, this will widen the market segment of the company since people are not actually invoiced to look for toys online as the primary channel but to go to a toy store which can provide both visual and tangible aspects of product presentation. Moreover, the establishment of special product discounts for wholesalers can increase the web traffic of Vermont because it will not only concentrate on individual clients but to corporate customers as well. When it comes to the demands of the target market, the creation of additional channel for distributorship certainly meets this aspect. Ordinary people can purchase their teddy bears online while wholesale customers or distributors can also manage to acquire more information on how they will profit from partnering with Vermont as a manufacturer. How to cite Vermont Teddy Bear, Papers
The Glass Ceiling Is Cracking Essay Research free essay sample
The Glass Ceiling Is Cracking Essay, Research Paper The glass ceiling is an unseeable barrier in organisations that prevents many adult females and minorities from accomplishing top-level direction places. In 1995, the Glass Ceiling Commission released its first study and found that merely 5 per centum of the senior-level directors in Fortune 1000 companies are adult females. This study identified three barriers to the promotion of adult females and minorities: 1. Social barriers exist that are likely outside the control of concern. 2. Internal structural barriers are present that are under the direct control of concern, including recruitment policies and corporate civilizations. 3. There are governmental barriers such as deficient monitoring and enforcement Taking attention of the household is a major ground why adult females don # 8217 ; t progress every bit fast as work forces. # 8220 ; We don # 8217 ; t play golf on Saturday mornings # 8221 ; ( Diana Bennett, president of D.L. Bennett A ; Associates ) . Whereas work forces may informally travel up the ladder during a golf game, adult females are likely to be making house jobs and disbursement clip with the childs. Bennett suggests that alternatively of playing golf on Saturdays, adult females should fall in civic, charitable, and concern boards in order to work their manner up. # 8220 ; But if you # 8217 ; re traveling to fall in a board, be involved, ( Business Journal ) . Avery little figure of adult females believe that the alleged glass ceiling can be broken. One of them is Carly Fiorina who took over Hewlett-Packard, going the first adult females CEO of a Dow 30 house. She prefers that the focal point be on her considerable accomplishments as an executive with AT A ; T and non because of her sex. Harmonizing to an industry panel, the glass ceiling for adult females in banking remains, but is weakening. Indeed # 8220 ; there is a glass ceiling in a batch of companies still # 8221 ; , said Judith Dunn Fisher, who broke through April 1 when she was promoted to main fiscal officer at Huntington Bancshares Inc. The fact is that merely late the value of adult females and their ability to lend to a company is being recognized. A survey discovered that for adult females, package technology is one of the best Fieldss to be in, as the demand greatly outweighs the supply. So if one has the ability to plan and maintain up with engineering, # 8220 ; there # 8217 ; s no glass ceiling, # 8221 ; said Huey-shin Yuan, a chief applied scientist in the package development at Mountain View-based Consilium Inc. The survey besides stated that adult females in technology earn somewhat more than their male co-workers, but adult females make merely approximately 5 to 6 per centum of all employed eng ineers. KeyCorp executive Karen R. Haefling agrees that there is a glass ceiling, but urges adult females to be more self-asserting in seeking out chances to construct their sketchs. # 8220 ; I would promote ( adult females ) to inquire for places. Let everybody cognize that you have aspirations and that you want to hold chances to nm a line of concern # 8221 ; ( Business First ) . The grounds clearly shows that the glass ceiling is still present in many companies. But there are occasions that show it can be broken through, such as with Bennett, Fiorina, Fisher, and Haefling. These adult females say that it # 8217 ; s really possible to interrupt through the glass ceiling and into higher-level direction as they did. They provide marks of encouragement to other adult females and strongly propose taking opportunities, being noticed, and acquiring involved. It takes clip and forfeit to win into upper degree direction. # 8220 ; Peoples have to see if you can make it before they take a opportunity with you # 8221 ; , says Haefling. ( Business First ) Possibly most adult females don # 8217 ; t interrupt through the ceiling because they don # 8217 ; t want to play by the regulations and be like work forces. This is likely because they # 8217 ; rhenium programmed otherwise. Business Journal offers some guidelines that may assist interrupt through the ceiling. 1. Develop lucidity about yourself and your ends. This lucidity will assist put realistic outlooks and remain on the class when it gets bouldery. 2. Work on the bent of being different from the group around you while remaining portion of the group. 3. Learn to stay unagitated and comforting while those around you are dying and fring their cool. 4. Take hazards whenever it seems appropriate and embrace alteration. 5. Make determinations rapidly and pass on them clearly. 6. Be competent, knowing and within ground, achievement-oriented. It will certainly take some clip before the glass ceiling is gone. It takes clip for people to set, but there are certain marks that # 8220 ; # 8230 ; the glass ceiling has some clefts in it # 8230 ; # 8221 ; says Judith Fisher. Today companies are altering their ways of concern to extinguish glass ceilings. This measure is a reactive 1. Companies have realized that know aparting against the publicity of adult females and minorities can be highly dearly-won, as tribunal instances have shown, and really unethical. The value of adult females and their parts to their companies has merely late been recognized. Change is decidedly fetching topographic point. The glass ceiling is checking as more and more adult females are promoted to occupations that otherwise would hold been filled by work forces
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