Thursday, September 3, 2020
Scholarly Journal Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Academic Journal Review - Essay Example In this paper the diary chose will be concentrated totally to comprehend its significant thoughts and ideas. The explanation, the qualities and shortcoming and structure of composing will be deciphered on. The theme will be investigated to comprehend its noteworthiness. The fundamental goal is to contemplate the idea of scholarly opportunity all the more profoundly and unmistakably. How the diary article has been valuable in clarifying the subject will be a piece of the examination. The blend and wealth of the article will be pondered on. According to ( Warwick,2011) â€Å"Writing a solid explored paper requires the capacity to combination or join components of a few sources to assist you with making a point â€Å"The connection of the theme to my own and expert profession will likewise be a piece of the investigation. Diagram of the Topic The subject of the diary is the social hugeness of scholarly opportunity. The creator proposes that educators and understudies ought to have the opportunity to enquire and investigate, at exactly that point the general public can get advantage from them. As indicated by ( MacKinnon, 2011) â€Å"Academic opportunity is a great deal of opportunity, however it has its confinements, and regard for the fundamental belief of scholarly opportunity requires regard for its limitations†. ... The article glances the manner by which advanced education do useful for open. The job of non †benefit instructive organizations in 21st century is a worry of the article. The article recommends that instruction organization has the reason for refined fair qualities in understudies and giving gifted and learned workforce. According to ( Euben,2002) â€Å"Since the mid 1970s, be that as it may, scholastic opportunity cases have concentrated principally on workforce opportunity from institutional intrusion†. The article likewise takes a gander at the scholastic opportunity existing in history of America. The beginning of residency is likewise talked about in the article. As per the creator, residency secured the scholastic opportunity. The article set forward, technique and studies which inspect the response of resources when their foundation is looked by debates. The investigation uncovered the scholastic opportunity of the instructive establishment under examination. Acco rding to (Heins,2013) â€Å"Academic opportunity is important not on the grounds that instructors are more astute or better than every other person, but since they serve the open enthusiasm by conferring the aptitudes to think fundamentally and take an interest seriously in the extraordinary, if frequently defective, American examination in democracy†. The article remarks about duty of University under exploration and furthermore their job openly talk. The significance of open commitment is additionally talked about in the article. Thoroughly analyze When contrasting the subject of the diary and the scholarly opportunity it has close association with the subject. The article profoundly characterizes the importance of scholastic opportunity and its noteworthiness in social field. The theme is about how scholastic opportunity can add to the government assistance of the general public. The diary doesn't digress from the
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Roger Fenton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Roger Fenton - Essay Example Despite the fact that his photos just delineated the adequate portions of the contention, they were the first to catch the unremarkable parts of warfare†(Roger Fenton Biography). He was passed on August 8, 1869. This paper examinations the photos taken by Roger Fenton as for topic, arrangement, encircling, and plan. Despite the fact that Roger Fenton has taken in excess of 360 war photos, he intentionally maintained a strategic distance from the photos of dead, harmed or ruined troopers. Simultaneously, he was fruitful in depicting or uncovering the monstrosities of war with the assistance of the shot scenes at or close to the war front. Crimean War among Britain and Russia was depicted delightfully by Roger Fenton. One of the most acclaimed war photos taken during Crimean War by Fenton is known as the Valley of the Shadow of Death. English warriors confronted parcel of embarrassing thrashings in the spot appeared in the above photo. Despite the fact that, dead bodies or harmed individuals are not noticeable in this image, the watchers will get an eerie encounter subsequent to watching this image. â€Å"Borrowing from the Twenty-third Psalm of the Bible, the Valley of Death was named by British fighters who went under steady shelling there†(Valley of the Shadow of Death). Valley of the Shadow of Death is viewed as the perfect work of art of Roger Fenton. It is as yet considered as a significant bit of war photography. The subject of this image is the perspective on a cannonball-thronw street close to Sevastopol. This photo has all the earmarks of being a basic at the primary look; anyway close examination of this image may introduce an eerie encounter to the watchers. â€Å"The picture offers a sort of visual proportional to Tennysons sonnet The Charge of the Light Brigade. In it, the writer pays tribut e to the 600 British cavalrymen who passed on in this equivalent valley on 25 October 1854†(Roger Fenton: The Valley of the Shadow of Death) Fenton accepted that the discerning eye of the camera could record all
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cleaning Oil Spills with Magnets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cleaning Oil Spills with Magnets - Assignment Example The EVTN voraxial oil separator improvement by Fort Lauderdale utilizes the radial by the gravity power to isolate at least two distinct fluids. It was utilized during the 2010 BP Oil Spill, with impacts, for example, the arrangement of modern and ecological division innovation, the advancement of the organization for the two sells and makes, and the foundation of the Florida accuracy aviation organization. The drawn out impact of this oil slick, which is considered as the biggest unplanned marine oil slick throughout the entire existence of the oil business, is hydrocarbon harming in nature. In any case, it likewise prepared for the foundation of the Exxon-Valdez voraxial separator. The drawn out impacts of attractive cleanser are a high pace of marine and flying creatures endurance, the foundation of the modern scientist, and the utilization of electrical softening point, and conductivity to clean the earth.
World climate change
IntroductionThe vibe and cooperate with one another, the Earth changes the circle, volcanic emissions and the vitality got from Sun adjustments †these are outcomes of the universe clime modification. More than 100 yeas prior, individuals had started terminating coal, gas and oil, which lead to atmosphere adjustment and causation nursery outcome and planetary warming. As an outcome of the human exercises the spread of nursery gases, for example, C dioxide, azotic oxide and methane, impact on planetary warming and prompts climate that known as â€Å"greenhouse effect†. Simply due to ignition of petroleum derivatives, each twelvemonth more than 30 billion metric huge amounts of C dioxide go oning produced to environment and even 7 billion metric tons to boot go oning to inhale by deforestation exercises. Expanding centralization of C dioxide in the mood can increment planetary temperature to 7A °C and impact on the planetary greatest biological systems to resistless downt urn. For looking at, expanding temperature to 2A °C can take to vanishing of 20 †30 % of species. The nursery gases †azotic oxide and methane are expanding by human exercises as great and have less amazing nursery result than C dioxide. Methane creates on topographic focuses, for example, landfill destinations, supported marshes what's more in the spines of household enliven creatures. Measure of azotic oxide is expanding by N composts being utilized in agribusiness. During the last 20 †30 mature ages the Arctic has been warming twice than rest of the universe. Land †ice and snow screen is diminished, during this period, which impacts the land warms quicker than ocean. This warming prompts conditions that Northern Hemisphere is warming more than Southern. Truth be told, ocean degree is rises, as a result of ice defrosts, when warming clime cause that H2O from softened icy masses streams into the seas ; and thermic growth †when warming clime prompts warming H2O in sea, which is cause ocean degree rise.The Kyoto understandingIn 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan was embraced and in 2005 went into power the Kyoto understanding †global comprehension †Convention on Climate Change. In the Kyoto understanding set imprints for 37 industrialized states and the European people group to chop down nursery gas spread. Orchestrating to the Kyoto understanding, the states ought to achieve checks through national advances and offers three market based instruments for it ; transmission exchanging, clean improvement component and joint execution. Discharge exchanging or the C showcase is regulatory control of spread. All gatherings of the convention acknowledged imprint to limit or chop down transmission. Because of C dioxide mostly is the central nursery gas, that ‘s why C presently exchanged like different stocks. The perfect improvement instrument permits to a state with radiation reduction or limitation committedness to deal with spread decline endeavors in creating states. Joint execution permits to a state with discharge limitation or reduction committedness from spread lessening or remotion endeavors to pick up transmission decline units. Orchestrating to the convention, spreads of states must be observed and every one of these records ought to be kept. The central point of the Kyoto convention is to chop down corporate spread of nursery gases by 5 % in contrasting and twelvemonth 1990. The radiation mark for each state ought to be accomplished by 2008 †2012 mature ages. The Kyoto convention is the primary measure in planetary decline of transmission and balancing out of nursery gases.The circumstances and end results of clime alterationThere are exist two classs of clime modification causes: characteristic and human-made. Presents, researchers known to mankind worried about clime modification are accelerate as a result of human exercises. Common clime modification causes. Atmosphere on the Earth changed through impact by normal causes like orbital adjustments of the Earth, volcanic emissions, sun based variances, sea ebb and flow and so on. Well of lava ejections lead to end of sulfur dioxide, residue, debris and H2O fume to the climate, which is impact the clime by expanding planetal coefficient of reflection that causes barometrical chilling. The main constituent of clime is the seas. Tremendous aggregate of warmth moves over the Earth by sea flows. The ocean surface pushes evenly via air flow. Profound sea H2O moves in route from the posts to the equator and movement of warm H2O once more from equator to the shafts. The shafts would be colder and equator hotter without this H2O dissemination. The air centralization of CO2 decides by the sea H2O flow. Changes of the Earth circle: The tilt adjustments of the Earth may take to pretty much nothing however of import clime modifications ; more jousts prompts hotter summers and colder winters and less jousts prompts colder summer and radiator winter. This kind of little clime adjustments subsequently produce ice ages. Sun powered changes: Small modifications in nearby planetary group can take to atmosphere adjustments. Logical surveies show that clime modifications happened in the past by sun oriented vacillations. For outline, the Little ice age between 1650 †1850 activated by sun powered action diminishing. Be that as it may, sun based changes can non do planetary warming. Estimations, which were done in the mid 1980-s indicated that the whole entirety of sunlight based vitality making the planet diminished of 0,1 % in the period only more than year and a half. Some of researchers attempted to happen nexus between clime adjustment and maculas. Sunspots are attractive tempests, which are seen dim nations on Sun. Be that as it may, logical investigates demonstrated that maculas kept vitality of the Sun from go forthing its surface. Human reasons for clime adjustment. Logical grounds of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) shows that human exercises lead to atmosphere modification and impact on planetary clime. The main ground of human exercises that lead to atmosphere adjustment is the burning of petroleum products ( oil, coal and gas ) and deforestation. Petroleum products like oil, gas and coal are assets of vitality to deliver power, run vehicles and as a result of it the enormous entirety of C dioxide, methane and azotic oxide have been radiated to the mood. The central reasons for clime change in the UK are: 4 % C transmissions from enterprises ; 7 % from agribusiness ; 21 % from movement ; 65 % from vitality produce strategy by the utilization of fuel. The beginnings with the greatest total of spread are movement, air travel and utilization of vitality in families. Orchestrating to the IPCC, the three boss reasons for the nursery gases expansion are land use, petroleum products and agribusiness. Farming has significant impact on clime modification by creation and discharge nursery gases. Farming reason clime change by disturbing area screen of the Earth, which prompts follow up on capacity to retain and mirror the warmth and noticeable radiation. The burning of petroleum derivatives, deforestation and desertification are the main beginnings of C dioxide radiation. Deforestation prompts develop up more CO2 in the climate. We realize that trees ingest CO2. Cuting down rainforest prompts expanding CO2 in the feel by 17 % . The ongoing investigation of the IPCC says that temperature on the Earth in the time of from 1906 to 2005 has expanded by 0.74A °C and temperature are keep on expanding. The mean temperature of the Earth is 14 A °C. In example of characteristic nurseries result did n't be, the mean temperature would be short 19A °C. A variety of gases causes nursery outcome. The significant part for it makes H2O bluess. CO2 †trailed by H2O bluess, causes the substance of nursery gases in the feel. Current centralization of CO2 in the atmosphere is 385 ppm. Before of the industrialization, it was †280 ppm. Air investigation from ice top of the Antarctic demonstrated that air contained CO2 more than rest of gases and than in the all time of 650000 old ages.Consequence of clime alterationNowadays individuals can distinguish impacts of planetary clime modification on feel, human wellbeing, agribusiness, financial and so on. Ice on lakes and waterways hindering up prior, icy masses have be en contracted, trees sprouting prior, a few kinds of invigorate creatures and workss are moved. Atmosphere change impacts were anticipated by researchers in the days of old, which is go oning: ocean degree rises quicker and more, ocean ice is misfortune, increasingly serious warmth moving edges. Researchers somewhat certain about lifting planetary temperatures for decennaries, which have been brought about by nursery gases from human †made exercises. Orchestrating to the IPCC, clime change result will be shift in certain parts over clasp, which is rely upon the capacities of ecological and cultural frameworks for form and extenuation for modifications. IPCC says that lifting of planetary temperature by 1-3A °C in contrasting and 1990 will outcome usefully on certain parts and negatively on others. These conditions will result financial situation of states as great. Some of planetary clime adjustment impacts on parts are following:Europe Risk of inland immersions are expanding, waterfront implosion treatment and dissolving from immersions are expanding and ocean degree is lifting, snow screen and winter touristry is diminished, ice sheets in mountain nation is withdraws, reap productiveness decline in southern EuropeAsia In south, east, sou'- east and cardinal Asia anticipated diminishing of new H2O by the 2050, beach front nations under expanding peril of implosion treatment, thusly perish rate from immersions and drouths can b e expanded in some parts.Africa Water accentuation making a trip to be expanded by 2020, yields from downpour took care of agribusiness in certain parts can be decreased by up to 50 % by 2020, seriously effect can be on agribusiness production.North America In the western piles of North America snowpack is reducing and subsequently, yield
Friday, August 21, 2020
Just search in internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Simply search in web - Essay Example His thoughts are exceptionally innovative and require a profound understanding on the issues that are common in the general public because of carelessness on the effects of our activities that others face. His thoughts are, consequently, not to benefit an individual yet for the general public overall. His perspectives join the more extensive image of the general public by concentrating on individualistic activities and responses. He underscores on the idea of morals in the general public and good avocations for each part of life and exercises included. This paper fundamentally breaks down the ideas of Aristotle’s community connections as per the contemporary moral qualities as proposed and actualized by the professionals in different fields. Municipal connections are established on various components as proposed by Aristotle. The idea of municipal ideals is one of the most significant ideas in such manner. Municipal temperance alludes to advancing propensities and exercises of people which take the community’s great in see. As indicated by Aristotle, municipal uprightness is identified with the idea of profound quality and offers ascend to the exemplary conduct for citizen’s commitment in the general public and network matters. ... He accepts that idealistic practices and the idea of ethics in the city relationship setting might be educated. City prudence opens a wide region of understanding the job of people in the general public and their obligations corresponding to it. The idea of companionship, as indicated by Aristotle isn't connected with procuring benefits or picking up points of interest however it is the connection between the individuals who work in the best kindness of the other. Along these lines, the connections between individuals are fabricated more grounded advancing the feeling of trust and comprehension. Fellowship depends on the thought that every individual works and acts in approach to profit the other with no close to home enthusiasm aside from advantaging the companion. Aristotle explains that kinship isn't a relationship which can be created with each other piece of the social organizations. Or maybe, he characterizes this relationship to be constrained to various individuals who have t he sentiments of profiting each other with no assent of securing some favorable position from the other at present or future. The ideal fellowship, as per him, is the one which ties the people in common undertakings, exercises and hanging out. Few out of every odd individual, as indicated by this clarification, falls in the class of companion as it is difficult somewhat to invest energy with each other individual in a manner clarified by Aristotle. The thought to profit others by one’s activity is additionally disputable as individuals in the unpredictable society today have their own advantages and advantages that look for and accept to achieve utilizing or including with others. Such connections are called as ‘imperfect friendships’ which need delight, shared comprehension and trust in one another. Aristotle characterizes bliss as an
Monday, August 3, 2020
5 Teacher Instagram Accounts That Inspire Creativity
5 Teacher Instagram Accounts That Inspire Creativity TeacherVision Advisory Board Member, Olivia, shares some of her favorite teacher instagram accounts. Check them out for a refreshing set of ideas to take into the start of Spring. She also walks you through the process of setting up your own teacher Instagram. by Olivia Bechtel No matter how far you are into your teaching profession, I am certain you are always looking for new ways to engage your students with quality teaching strategies, ideas, and materials. With the growth of technology has come an entirely new way to up your teaching game. Teachers all around the United States are posting their own ideas of tried and true teaching resources, many of which are at no cost to you. @teachingwithamountainview This teacher has an endless supply of literacy-rich ideas and activities on her Instagram account- from point of view practice to interactive writing notebooks, and task cards. In addition to those excellent ideas, she has engaging math activities, task cards, flexible seating, STEM ideas, and book recommendations. Her posts display creative ways to elevate her teaching including the value of open space in her classroom, examples of flexible seating, STEM challenges and more. @teaching3rdwithmrg This teacher has a passion for books and finding new titles to bring into his classroom to engage young readers. Not only are these books different from those you commonly find on the shelves, but they are also culturally diverse, something this teacher does an excellent job of representing equally. With countless titles introduced, as well as many great ideas to encourage student participation, this is well worth your time to take a peek! @missgiraffesclass If you are looking for quickly and easily implemented teacher tips, tricks, and behavior management strategies, this is the place to go! This teacher provides constant new ideas to help curb talkative students or any potential behavior issues in a fun and positive way. She also has a plethora of fun, engaging, and effective resources that students love. This is a perfect place to start as a new teacher looking for guidance in a primary classroom, or a veteran teacher looking to innovate and improve. For example, she had a great idea to recycle old water bottle or Gatorade caps and use them for word work. These are awesome and you can even ask parents to send them in to help build up a good base. @elementaryarts Are you an art teacher? Just looking to add more arts into your classroom instruction. This teacher does an incredible job of posting about various art projects at all levels, books that support their art, and specific learning that can and will take place with these pieces. If you are wanting a few ideas, or some inspiration of your own, this is perfect for you. This book is a great example of the literacy this teacher has brought to his art classroom to support his student learning. This teacher also provides excellent support examples to help students make their own judgments and refer to as needed- as well as a way to enhance their artwork! This math coach has an incredible collection of awesome resources, ideas, and strategies to use, with a great balance between different grade levels. Not only does she have math- she also includes positive thinking amongst her students and staff, encouraging mistakes that support the learning process. Below are a couple of ideas to hook you in! She also shows things like fun ways to practice graphing through coloring and using snowflakes to practice angles. What about starting your own teacher Instagram? Here are a few tips to get you started: Pick a name, one relevant to the content you are teaching. Choose the type of content you want to publish- are you documenting your adventures in the classroom, handing out teacher tips, selling products, or creating a platform to share with parents? Start with one thing first. Set a goal for yourself. Pick something small and attainable for you and your schedule. For example, post once per week for two months. When you get the hang of it, you can start to get more complex. Hashtags, hashtags, hashtags. If you are trying to get noticed and reach the largest populations, the best way is to make sure your hashtags help lead people to your posts. It may seem like a lot, but 10 hashtags can help create more traffic! Make sure they include keywords that are related to your content or even just what your account covers. For example, if it’s a first grade reading strategy you could include the following: #firstgrade #readingstrategies #readingintervention #readinginstruction # firstgradereading #studentreading #readinggroups #teachertips #teachingreading #wecanread Continue to explore, follow, and learn from the many accounts at your disposal. One of the best ways to learn is to look at what others have already done, what caught your eye and why, and the content you are looking to find. Most importantly, if it makes you happy and you enjoy doing it, the rest will fall into place. Looking for accounts to check out that cover professional development opportunities relevant in education? Take a peek at some of the options below: Heyhopeking and heywadeking - Authors of The Wild CardGetyourteachon Get Your Teach OnTeachyourheartoutcon Teach Your Heart Out What inspiring teacher Instagram accounts do you follow? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Olivia Bechtel is a first-grade teacher in Westerville, Ohio who loves implementing engaging, innovative lessons to inspire her students. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, son, and two dogs.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Symbolism of the Three Beasts - Literature Essay Samples
Symbolism in literary works is used when one thing is meant to represent something else, in order to create meaning and emotion. In the first part of Dante Alighieris three-part epic poem entitled Divine Comedy, there are many symbols the author uses to effectively convey his message to the readers, particularly the symbol of the three beasts the persona first encounters in Canto I. Inferno, meaning hell in Italian, details the journey of the persona as he ventures through Hell. Before he enters the gates, however, he encounters three beasts, which are used by the author as a symbol of the three major divisions in Hell the persona will soon witness. To begin with, the poem begins shortly before the dawn of Good Friday in a dark forest. The persona finds himself lost in the dark wood, astray from the straight path, or the path of truth. Allegorically, this could mean that the persona has committed great sins in his life, but now he wants to repent and find the path back to salvation and truth. However, before this can happen, his path is blocked by three beasts, which are thought to represent the three kinds of sin that bring the unrepentant soul into Hell. These three animals are actually taken from Jeremiah 5:6 in the bible, which says Wherefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them, and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities: every one that goeth out thence shall be torn in pieces: because their transgressions are many, and their backslidings are increased. Therefore, because the persona has committed many sins and has turned his back on God, the three beasts have come to take him t o Hell. Although it is clear that the beasts represent sins, much critical analysis has gone into identifying these sins. Traditional interpretations think that the beasts represent lust, pride and greed, while others say they represent the sins of youth, middle-age and old-age. However, the physical descriptions, as well as evidence from the poem, suggests that the beasts represent the three major divisions of hell. The three divisions, which coincides with the seven deadly sins, are incontinence, which includes lust, gluttony, avarice and anger; the sins of violence; and malice, which includes the sins fraud and treachery. The leopard is symbolic of malice, the lion is symbolic of violence and the she-wolf represents incontinence. Many critics assigns the leopard to incontinence and the she-wolf to malice, though, to correspond the order the beasts arrive with the order of the gates of Hell. However, critic Aldo S. Bernardo explains that, from Lucifers view at the bottom, which he says is the basic perspective from which the entire poem should be viewed, malice would be the first division, therefore the leopard would be a symbol of this division, as it appears first, and the she-wolf would be a symbol of the last division, incontinence, as it appears last. The first beast the persona encounters is the leopard, which, as previously stated, is symbolic of the division in Hell entitled malice. Upon seeing this beast, the persona describes it as being covered with a spotted hide. Critic Melanie Barker explains that the spotted hide would help the leopard to disguise himself from a potential creature of prey, which is the ultimate act of fraud and treachery, because the leopard can hide itself, and then strike at its prey when the time is right. Additionally, in Canto XX, the personas guide, Virgil, explains that fortune-tellers and soothsayers must walk with their heads on backwards, unable to see what is ahead, because of the fraud they committed in their life, they had their faces twisted toward their haunches, and found it necessary to walk backward, because they could not see ahead of them. When the persona first sees the leopard, a similar situation occurred, where the leopard impeded [his] ascent so he had to walk backward, unable to see what lay beyond the dark wood. Also, the persona says, and the gentle season, gave me good cause for hopefulness on seeing, that beast before me with his speckled skin; but hope was hardly able to prevent, the fear I felt when I beheld a lion. The persona gets a false sense of hopefulness when he encounters the leopard that soon turns to fear upon witnessing the lion, which is what the leopard represents; fraud and treachery. Furthermore, after the leopard, the persona then encounters a lion, which represents the second division of Hell; violence. When the persons first witness the lion, he says that it had its head held high and ravenous with hunger. This suggests that the lion is extremely hungry, wanting to devour, or kill, the persona. This violent act is exactly what the lion represents, and the persona even says that the air around him seemed to shudder, meaning that even the air around him was afraid of the violence the lion could exhibit. However, many critics suggest that the lion represents pride, as it is described with its head held high. They argue that lions are naturally prideful and rarely ever violent towards humans, however, the lion is also described as being ravenous with hunger. If a human is around a lion when it is hungry, many sources say that the lion would kill the human. The lion in this poem seems to be voracious, which would mean that its more violent than prideful in this poe m. Also, lions ensure they remain at the top of the food chain by using whatever violent means necessary [and] use of brute force, according to critic Melanie Barker, therefore the association of the lion with violence is a rightful one. Additionally, in the bible verse these beasts are taken from, the lion is described to be slaughtering the people of the cities. Lastly, the third beast that the persona sees is the she-wolf, which is representative of the division called incontinence. Incontinence, as described by critic David Bruce, is not being able to control yourself. The she-wolf is described as carrying every craving in her leanness. To crave something means to desire intensely, therefore the she-wolf carries everyones desires in her, and these desires, presumably bad desires, such as sexual desires, or lust, causes people to turn away from the right path and commit sins. The persona says that she had already brought despair to many, meaning she has caused so many people to sin and to wound up in Hell, suffering for the rest of their lives. Also, the wolf is the beast that finally causes the persona to retreat and lose hope, therefore she must represent the division that causes people to retreat and not be able to control their sinful desires. Moreover, in the bibles description, the wolf does not have a gender, but in Dantes poem, he s pecifically states the sex of the wolf as female. It is said that women are infamous for [their] sexual treachery throughout ancient culture, as suggested by critic Melanie Barker, therefore it makes sense that this wolf would be female or would appear female to the male persona, to try to make the persona indulge in his sinful desires. Although many critics have tried to decipher the symbolic meaning behind the beasts presented to the persona in Inferno by Dante, it is clear that these beasts are representative of the three major divisions of Hell in the poem. The physical descriptions, as well as other evidence in the poem, suggests that the leopard is symbolic of malice, the lion represents violence and the she-wolf represents incontinence.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement On Being Supportive Of Colleagues
Self I purpose to give freely of myself concerning truthful commitment among fellow colleagues. I will operate only in my area of competency involving ministry. I will respect and protect my own needs for spiritual growth, ethical integrity, and continuing education in order to deepen and strengthen myself and any ministry task. I purpose to seek God first, even when supporting a colleague’s choice or decision that will affect the God’s ministry. Colleagues I will purpose to be supportive of colleagues, because it helps foster a spirit of unity and strength in each other weakness. I will purpose to help keep a colleague from being isolated, even when he or she may have a difference of opinion. I will strictly respect a colleague’s privacy, unless the situation appears to be unhealthy and life threatening. I will not engage in a misleading behavior or be supportive of same sex marriage in which a colleague may choose to perform the wedding. I will not give an opinion or comment on matters between other colleagues, if the circumstance or situation did not involve my presence being in attendance. I will not discredit the character of any colleague public or private, regardless of the difference one may have toward one another. I will express my thoughts and feeling toward any local issues to my colleague if I fail to share the same interest or opinion on a subject that my cause more damage than good without all the fact of the situation. I will accept no request for myShow MoreRelatedDescribe the Core Values and Competencies Which Underpin Therapeutic Delivery of Counselling and Psychotherapy Applications.1246 Words  | 5 Pagesapproaches. The presentation of different ways of conceiving ethics alongside each other in this statement is intended to draw attention to the limitations of relying too heavily on any single ethical approach. 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An ethical framework by Oberle and Raffin will be used for the case analysis, followed by a personal reflection. The Oberle and Raffin modelRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Mediator?1439 Words  | 6 Pagesfruition. I am trustworthy and dependable so that people can rely on me in any situation. My strengths include being a good mediator and listener to help people overcome obstacles to achieving success, whether it is an interpersonal conflict or a work-related issue. I am also a creative thinker and problem-solver so I can assist team members with any challenges when utilizing a supportive leadership approach. It’s important to stay focused on the task at hand while in a professional setting and IRead MoreThe Issue Of A Domestic Violence Advocate952 Words  | 4 Pagesstruggled with this justification because I have been maintaining my self-care plan and the idea of expanding it. But yet I found myself still stressed and here this chapter was discussing the very issue I am currently am working through. True in the statement made that constant work is detrimental to your judgement and thus a disservice to your client. Perspective on issues is necessary to make sound decisions. Here I struggled with the rationalization but had not seen from the angle that by not takingRead MoreConceptual Framework Ethical Dispositions Essay1262 Words  | 6 Pagescolumn, list 7 instances of overlap between the two documents by asserting the comparison of the overlapping statements. Be sure to cite each appropriately. In the right-hand column, state the priority from 1-7, (â€Å"1†being the most important) you would assign this concept as an educator; state and defend your rationale. Use research to support your rationale. Comparison of overlapping statements regarding teacher ethics | Priority of specific ethical disposition/protocol and rationale | The professionalRead MoreBusiness and Administration Unit Four1378 Words  | 6 Pagesmethods, products or services may include: * identifying anything that is not working * providing the opportunity to improve * Reviewing products ensures that they are still fit for purpose * Reviewing services ensures that what is being offered is competitive and what the customer wants 2. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. Effective planning the support for people in an organisation can be planned
Monday, May 18, 2020
Interview Questions On Behavioral Interviewing - 858 Words
Interview Questions and Prepared Answers. Behavioral interviewing is a relatively new, but widely used mode of job interviewing. The behavioral interview technique is used by employers to evaluate a candidate’s experiences and behaviors in order to determine their potential for success. This approach is based on the belief that past performance is the best predictor of future behavior. In fact, behavioral interviewing is said to be 55 percent predictive of future on-the-job behavior, while traditional interviewing is only 10 percent predictive. The interviewer identifies desired skills and behaviors, and then structures open-ended questions and statements to elicit detailed responses. A rating system is developed and selected criteria are evaluated during the interview. Even if you don’t have a great deal of work experience, companies expect you to be able to relate past experiences – from undergraduate or graduate school, campus activities, volunteer work, membe rship in an organization, etc. – to the job for which you are interviewing (Bliga, 2016). What are telephone interviews? They are real interviews held over the phone rather than face-to-face. You will usually be interviewed by a member of the graduate recruitment or HR team. Telephone interview will usually be given to candidates who have passed the online application and/or psychometric test stage of the graduate recruitment process and is used to sift out applicants to be invited to a face-to-face interview orShow MoreRelatedSituational Interview For Your Dream Job1154 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen a part of a behavioral or situational interview for your dream job? The recruit, select, and hire process is essential for choosing the right person for a job. In this process, interviews are conducted in the selection portion. A job interview is a one on one, panel, or group conversation between the applicant and representative of an company. The purpose of an interview is to assess whether the applicant should be hired and/or continue through the hiring process. Interviews giv e insight intoRead MoreThe Advantage Of Therapeutic Communication In Motivational928 Words  | 4 PagesThe advantage of therapeutic communication in motivational interviewing is establishing grounds for the clients to develop self- openness and confidence to talk about their health challenges and make behavior change. In this paper, I will be discussing the importance of verbal communication skills of motivational interviewing. Verbal communication in motivational interviewing is information sharing between two or more parts by using spoken speeches to convey their intended behavior changes ( ). TheRead MoreEvaluating A Good Candidate For Their Organization1467 Words  | 6 PagesStructured Interviewing Analysis There are many different interviewing processes that companies use to determine who qualifies as a good candidate for their organization. Interviewers must be knowledgeable in their career and prepare a unique set of predetermined questions that appertain to what the company is looking for in future employees. In a thorough search about structured interviews, also known as a â€Å"standardized†interview, several components and coding words attracted more attention thanRead MoreToward Intentional Interviewing and Counseling1652 Words  | 7 PagesIntentional Interviewing and Counseling INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS THE â€Å"CORRECT†RESPONSE TO OFFER A CLIENT? * There are many potentially useful responses in any interviewing situation. * Reflecting the client’s emotions can be helpful. * Selecting one aspect to focus on can be useful, and then later you can examine other dimensions by asking an open question. * Our tasks: * Respect the client * Use appropriate skills and strategies * Seek to alleviate stress INTERVIEWING, COUNSELINGRead MoreMotivational Interview Two. According To The Centers For1097 Words  | 5 PagesMotivational Interview Two According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), only 21% of Americans are sufficiently physically active according to the guidelines set forth in 2008. Thus, living a sedentary lifestyle has become an epidemic, and one that is not without consequence. The CDC (2014) further states that one’s risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke, depression, some cancers, and early death is noticeably higher for those living a sedentary lifestyleRead MoreBeing A Transfer Student From The Uw Green Bay Essay1673 Words  | 7 Pagesthe representatives were always willing to answer any questions I had and it was a great way to gauge if the company culture was a good fit for me. I made sure to grab as many business cards as possible so that I could send thank you emails to the individuals I talked to. The people were always extremely nice at every event, so I never had a bad experience with any of the firms. Before I Started looking at picking the firms I wanted to interview with, I decided that my resume could be spruced up aRead MoreJob Interview Questions and Sample Answers1444 Words  | 6 PagesAds Strong Interview Answers The 3 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview. Check Them Out! Best Interview Answers Secrets to Help You to Get Hired in Your Next Job Interview. Start Now! The Best Interview Answer Answers Top 50 Interview Questions DownLoad Free Ebook Now. See More About job interview questions and answers job interviews interview questions job interview tips Ads How To Speak EnglishRead MoreThe PEACE and Cognitive Interviewing Models vs. the Reid Technique 1725 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Interviewing. These methods are not interrogation techniques like Reid but interview processes. The Reid Technique is an interrogation process that consists of two parts, the interview and a nine-step interrogation. The interview, which is non-accusatory in nature, gives the interviewer a chance to gather information related to the case. The interview also allows the interrogator to gather behavioral information by conducting what is known as a behavioral analysis interview (BAI) (InbauRead MoreHR CHAPTER 711245 Words  | 56 Pages13e (Dessler) Chapter 7 Interviewing Candidates 1) Which of the following is the most commonly used selection tool? A) telephone reference B) reference letter C) interview D) personality test Answer: C Explanation: C) Interviews are the most widely used selection procedure. Not all managers use tests, reference checks, or situational tests, but most interview a person before hiring. Diff: 1 Chapter: 7 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept Learning Outcome: Describe effective interviewing techniques 2) Which ofRead MoreThorough Pre Employment Assessments1358 Words  | 6 Pagesprovided by the applicant was being truthful and the information was accurate. Another method utilized by BSS is the process of interviewing with BSS managers and Stanley. Interviewing is one method of gathering information from the candidate about their work history, skills used in past positions, and even behaviors in certain situations. When done correctly, interviewing can flush out strengths and weakness of the candidate in relation to the position they are applying to fulfill. The third process
Monday, May 11, 2020
Yellow Wallpaper - 1095 Words
Feminist studies generally focus on the role that hysterical diagnoses and treatments played in reinforcing the prevailing, male-dominant gender roles through the subversion, manipulation and degrading of female experience through the use of medical treatments and power structures. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å" The Yellow Wallpaper†is a perfect example of these themes. In writing this story, Charlotte Perkins Gilman drew upon her own personal experiences with hysteria. The adoption of the sick-role was a product of-and a reaction against gender norms and all of the pressures and tensions that their satisfaction demanded. Gilman’s essay uses autobiographical experiences displayed as doppelganger quality the in the main narrator of the†¦show more content†¦Kessler emphasizes the point that this one short story seemed parallel and mirror the views of Gilman in regards to the oppression of women in her society. Comparing the two, Kessler writes,  "This once she was able to join her public and private expressions in a work of devastating impact†(Kessler 1991 p.159). Gilman, who was a leader and crusader in the women’s rights movement, tried to expel away the gender bias that plague women, just as the narrator in her story tries to pull off the wallpaper in her room to free the trapped women behind it. The patriarchal society at that time period was Gilman’s wallpaper. She had to work hard at trying to force through societal changes. Just like the resistant old wallpaper in her story, ridged and yellow with age, Gilman and her counterparts had much difficulty in pushing through the wallpaper of tradition. Unlike the narrator in the story, who eventually frees from behind the wallpaper I’ve got out at last†¦And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back!†(Gilman 1899 p.9) Gilman did not live to see her life’s work complete. As only small advances in Woman’s Rights were made before her passing in 1935. Gilman’s freedom from confinement is not into insanity when she finally rips down the paper, but goes through a crisisShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wallpaper829 Words  | 4 Pages The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper first appeared in 1892 and became a notary piece of literature for it s historical and influential context. Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper was a first hand account of the oppression faced toward females and the mentally ill,whom were both shunned in society in the late 1890s. It is the story of an unnamed woman confined by her doctor-husband to an attic nursery with barred windows and a bolted down bed. Forbidden to writeRead More The yellow wallpaper619 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The plot of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†comes from a moderation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s personal experience. In 1887, just two years after the birth of her first child, Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell diagnosed Gilman with neurasthenia, an emotional disorder characterized by fatigue and depression. Mitchell decided that the best prescription would be a â€Å"rest cure†. Mitchell encouraged Gilman to â€Å"Live a domestic l ife as far as possible,†to â€Å"have two hours’ intellectual lifeRead MoreYellow Wallpaper1673 Words  | 7 PagesSvetlana Kryzhanovskaya Prof. Grajeda ENC 3014-MidTerm Paper March 12, 2012 Structuralism amp; Feminist Theory ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ written by Charlotte Gilman can be affectively analyzed from two schools of thought structuralism and feminist theory. Though structuralists’ deny the work of literature any connection to its author (it must be what it is, no underlying meaning) feminist theory must first and foremost be understood in its historical framework. By the turn of the century,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper3202 Words  | 13 PagesEnglish 1302 22 November 2011 Main Character’s Outsider Theme In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator, Jane, is struggling to deal with her depression that she is suffering in a confined room that her husband, John put her in. John believes that this will cure Jane and make her better from her depression. Instead, Jane is slowly losing herself within the yellow wallpaper in the room causing her to become insane. Jane is not able to express her feelings with her husbandRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1362 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†Charlotte Perkins Gilman â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is gothic psychological short story written in journal-style with first-person narrative. Other elements used in the story are symbols, irony, foreshadowing, and imagery. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper is about a woman who suffers from postpartum depression. Her husband, a physician, puts her on â€Å"rest cure of quiet and solitude.†(Wilson 278). This cure consisted of the narrator being confinedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper961 Words  | 4 Pages The Yellow Paper is a symbolic story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is a disheartening tale of a woman struggling to free herself from postpartum depression. This story gives an account of an emotionally and intellectual deteriorated woman who is a wife and a mother who is struggling to break free from her metal prison and find peace. The post-partum depression forced her to look for a neurologist doctor who gives a rest cure. She was supposed to have a strict bed rest. The woman livedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1844 Words  | 8 PagesSarah Kreeger EngWr 301 Professor Bradford 21 July 2013 Short Story Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper: The Power of Society’s Views On the Care of Mental Patients â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman takes the form of journal entries of a woman undergoing treatment for postpartum depression. Her form of treatment is the â€Å"resting cure,†in which a person is isolated and put on bed rest. Her only social interaction is with her sister-in-law Jennie and her husband, John, who is alsoRead Moreyellow wallpaper1165 Words  | 5 PagesIn the short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, talks about a woman who is newly married and is a mother who is in depression. â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper†is written as the secret journal of a woman who, failing to relish the joys of marriage and motherhood, is sentenced to a country rest cure. Though she longs to write, her husband - doctor forbid it. The narrator feels trapped by both her husband and surroundings. The woman she sees behind the wallpaper is a symbol of herself andRead More The Yellow Wallpaper1523 Words  | 7 Pages emotion and sentimentalism, Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote the short story The Yellow Wallpaper in order to help the oppressed females recover their voice, their rights, and their freedom. She skillfully leaded the reader’s interest from a little horrible opening; then, a curious feeling about Jane’s life immediately became anger because of the unexpected climax of the narrator’s own recognition in the yellow wallpaper. The author tried to show that female would stand up and do whatever they can,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper719 Words  | 3 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper In the grips of depression and the restrictions prescribed by her physician husband a woman struggles with maintaining her sanity and purpose. As a new mother and a writer, and she is denied the responsibility and intellectual stimulation of these elements in her life as part of her rest cure. Her world is reduced to prison-like enforcement on her diet, exercise, sleep and intellectual activities until she is well again. As she gives in to the restrictions and falls
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aristotle s Realism Philosophy And Philosophy - 1590 Words
Aristotle’s Realism Philosophy Realism is an educational philosophy; furthermore it is a teaching that stresses knowledge that develops from one s own my opinion this is great idea for educational philosphy, because it shows that sense deveolpement is the realest possible learning to have. Under this philosophy the idea exists that there is a real world not constructed by human minds, that can be known by one s own mind. It is through experiencing the world around everyone in which one learns the guiding principles and the conduct of life. Reality is what one experiences in the physical world. Therefore, everything one can learn and know comes from experiencing the world around us. Aristotle is considered by most to be one of the greatest realism philosophers. He was born in a Grecian colony at Stagira, 384 B.C. At birth he was born into a set life. His father, Nicomachus, had a position under the King Amyntas of Macedonia as court physician. Therefore, this could relate to how his education started off . It was thought that his ancestors held the same position under the King because this way the area of court physician could become hereditary. Through the life of Aristotle, one would wonder how a mere thought of realism philosophy could impact the way education is practiced today. Aristotle s way of life reflected the way he thought and what he wrote for the people to view and educate upon today. He has many philosophies that are used in the classroom todayShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Idealism and Realism3232 Words  | 13 Pagesso forth. This has truly been a debate for the ages in philosophy, one that has stimulated thinkers, philosophers, theologists and scientists for thousands of years, hence led emergence of idealism and realism as two major traditional philosophical schools of thought in the realm of philosophy. So this paper projects the meaning of idealism and meaning of realism then discusses in detail the basic assumptions of idealism and those of realism and how these two traditional schools of thought differRead MoreThe 5 Hearths Of Civilization2028 Words  | 9 Pagescivilizations. Plato and Aristotle Plato and Aristotle are two of the most famous figures in ancient Greek history. These men were two of the most influential philosophers and scholars of their times. Although Aristotle was considered Plato’s most prized student, they had their differences. As a devoted follower of Socrates, Plato was an idealist. He developed what is known as inductive reasoning, which is going from a specific observation to a generalization. On the other hand, Aristotle was a realist whoRead MoreDifferences Between Idealism and Realism3232 Words  | 13 Pagesso forth. This has truly been a debate for the ages in philosophy, one that has stimulated thinkers, philosophers, theologists and scientists for thousands of years, hence led emergence of idealism and realism as two major traditional philosophical schools of thought in the realm of philosophy. So this paper projects the meaning of idealism and meaning of realism then discusses in detail the basic assumptions of idealism and those of realism and how these two traditional schools of thought differRead MorePolitical Philosophy, By Steven Cahn1197 Words  | 5 PagesIn Steven Cahn s book, Political Philosophy, The Essential Texts, philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau created the circumstances to enable the fundamental principals of philosophy and politics. These knowledgeable, astute and significant men have helped to achieve the structure of our past and present democracy as well as a plan of action for the rights and values that we as citizens can all relate to today. They are grounded in their thinking and tied togetherRead MorePhilosophies Of Sister Carrie By Theodore Dreiser1013 Words  | 5 PagesAustin Ricco†¨Professor Sloan†¨American Realism†¨11/20/16 †¨Philosophies of Sister Carrie†¨ There are few writers that could create a body of work that encompasses as many concepts as Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie. His novel follows the life and times of Carrie, a ‘country bell’ of sorts who abandons her way of life in favor of a city lifestyle. Through through Carries progress, Dreiser embodies many philosophies of intelligence, experience, and personal growth. Many great philosophers have touchedRead MoreRealism And The Language Of Universals And Particulars2044 Words  | 9 PagesNominalism and Realism in relation to the Language of Universals and Particulars Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Nominalism as: â€Å"a theory that there are no universal essences in reality and that the mind can frame no single concept or image corresponding to any universal or general term†on the other hand it defines realism as: â€Å"a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind; specifically: the conception that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality†. Throughout theRead MoreChristian Schools And Its Impact On The Development Of The Community871 Words  | 4 PagesChristian schools play a vital role in the development of the community and the students that make up the body. The Christian church has often seen philosophy as a roadblock to understanding our true purpose as humans and not a tool for learning what that purpose is. Philosophy is our response to every area of life, because through philosophy we investigate the truths and principles of being. Apostle Paul wrote two letter to the Thessalonians in which he was concerned about their receptivityRead MoreThe Main Controversies of Medieval Thought in the 12th and 13th Centuries1050 Words  | 5 Pagesreason. Most philosophical debate revolved around these and to a lesser extent the opposition of realists and nominalists on the question of universals. The type of philosophy that was being taught in the Christian schools of the time has been given the name of scholasticism. Scholastics shared a common respect for the ideas of Aristotle, Plato, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius, and Avicenna. These were referred to by scholastics as the authorities. The views of the time were mainly Augustinian and PlatonicRead MoreThe Influence Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles1785 Words  | 8 PagesAges. Moreover, this served as a pivotal time not only for traditional art, but for free and open thought in general. Because of the Renaissance s lasting influences and the grandeur of change it commenced, it will remain embedded in history for so long as the human race continues to exist. In this period of transcendence, Greco-Roman culture and philosophy saw its return, the Catholic Church suffered a decline, art revolutionized itself, and academia returned to antiquity. In the Proto-RenaissanceRead MoreThe Fall Of Death, Destruction And War879 Words  | 4 Pagesclassicism and the issues of religion such as the distancing from church and humankind s search for the meaning of their existence and how life works. With these ongoing issues renaissance paintings were often depicting images of war, death, the values from ancient greece and rome and they became more secular as well. Additionally, the artist began to develop new techniques such as linear perspective, realism, depth, symmetry, and classicism. Artists also began to make use of light, detail anatomy
Vermont Teddy Bear Free Essays
As a good marketing strategy, it would be wise for Vermont teddy Bear to penetrate at least the distribution channels of various toy stores. Therefore as a suggestion, the company should at least create a special â€Å"manufacturer-to-dealer†program which will be initiated and targeted towards the specialty and toy store businesses operating today. In this notion, it is recommended also to Vermont that it sets up a special discount program offer in its website which will be geared towards potential visitors who are willing to be distributors of the company’s products. We will write a custom essay sample on Vermont Teddy Bear or any similar topic only for you Order Now Basically, the rationale for this suggestion comes in the aspect of attaining more exposure or advertising mileage without themed to add more mediums of advertising. Acquiring a list of specialty stores which are willing to distribute and resell the teddy bear products can help Vermont Teddy Bears to save money. Also, this will widen the market segment of the company since people are not actually invoiced to look for toys online as the primary channel but to go to a toy store which can provide both visual and tangible aspects of product presentation. Moreover, the establishment of special product discounts for wholesalers can increase the web traffic of Vermont because it will not only concentrate on individual clients but to corporate customers as well. When it comes to the demands of the target market, the creation of additional channel for distributorship certainly meets this aspect. Ordinary people can purchase their teddy bears online while wholesale customers or distributors can also manage to acquire more information on how they will profit from partnering with Vermont as a manufacturer. How to cite Vermont Teddy Bear, Papers
The Glass Ceiling Is Cracking Essay Research free essay sample
The Glass Ceiling Is Cracking Essay, Research Paper The glass ceiling is an unseeable barrier in organisations that prevents many adult females and minorities from accomplishing top-level direction places. In 1995, the Glass Ceiling Commission released its first study and found that merely 5 per centum of the senior-level directors in Fortune 1000 companies are adult females. This study identified three barriers to the promotion of adult females and minorities: 1. Social barriers exist that are likely outside the control of concern. 2. Internal structural barriers are present that are under the direct control of concern, including recruitment policies and corporate civilizations. 3. There are governmental barriers such as deficient monitoring and enforcement Taking attention of the household is a major ground why adult females don # 8217 ; t progress every bit fast as work forces. # 8220 ; We don # 8217 ; t play golf on Saturday mornings # 8221 ; ( Diana Bennett, president of D.L. Bennett A ; Associates ) . Whereas work forces may informally travel up the ladder during a golf game, adult females are likely to be making house jobs and disbursement clip with the childs. Bennett suggests that alternatively of playing golf on Saturdays, adult females should fall in civic, charitable, and concern boards in order to work their manner up. # 8220 ; But if you # 8217 ; re traveling to fall in a board, be involved, ( Business Journal ) . Avery little figure of adult females believe that the alleged glass ceiling can be broken. One of them is Carly Fiorina who took over Hewlett-Packard, going the first adult females CEO of a Dow 30 house. She prefers that the focal point be on her considerable accomplishments as an executive with AT A ; T and non because of her sex. Harmonizing to an industry panel, the glass ceiling for adult females in banking remains, but is weakening. Indeed # 8220 ; there is a glass ceiling in a batch of companies still # 8221 ; , said Judith Dunn Fisher, who broke through April 1 when she was promoted to main fiscal officer at Huntington Bancshares Inc. The fact is that merely late the value of adult females and their ability to lend to a company is being recognized. A survey discovered that for adult females, package technology is one of the best Fieldss to be in, as the demand greatly outweighs the supply. So if one has the ability to plan and maintain up with engineering, # 8220 ; there # 8217 ; s no glass ceiling, # 8221 ; said Huey-shin Yuan, a chief applied scientist in the package development at Mountain View-based Consilium Inc. The survey besides stated that adult females in technology earn somewhat more than their male co-workers, but adult females make merely approximately 5 to 6 per centum of all employed eng ineers. KeyCorp executive Karen R. Haefling agrees that there is a glass ceiling, but urges adult females to be more self-asserting in seeking out chances to construct their sketchs. # 8220 ; I would promote ( adult females ) to inquire for places. Let everybody cognize that you have aspirations and that you want to hold chances to nm a line of concern # 8221 ; ( Business First ) . The grounds clearly shows that the glass ceiling is still present in many companies. But there are occasions that show it can be broken through, such as with Bennett, Fiorina, Fisher, and Haefling. These adult females say that it # 8217 ; s really possible to interrupt through the glass ceiling and into higher-level direction as they did. They provide marks of encouragement to other adult females and strongly propose taking opportunities, being noticed, and acquiring involved. It takes clip and forfeit to win into upper degree direction. # 8220 ; Peoples have to see if you can make it before they take a opportunity with you # 8221 ; , says Haefling. ( Business First ) Possibly most adult females don # 8217 ; t interrupt through the ceiling because they don # 8217 ; t want to play by the regulations and be like work forces. This is likely because they # 8217 ; rhenium programmed otherwise. Business Journal offers some guidelines that may assist interrupt through the ceiling. 1. Develop lucidity about yourself and your ends. This lucidity will assist put realistic outlooks and remain on the class when it gets bouldery. 2. Work on the bent of being different from the group around you while remaining portion of the group. 3. Learn to stay unagitated and comforting while those around you are dying and fring their cool. 4. Take hazards whenever it seems appropriate and embrace alteration. 5. Make determinations rapidly and pass on them clearly. 6. Be competent, knowing and within ground, achievement-oriented. It will certainly take some clip before the glass ceiling is gone. It takes clip for people to set, but there are certain marks that # 8220 ; # 8230 ; the glass ceiling has some clefts in it # 8230 ; # 8221 ; says Judith Fisher. Today companies are altering their ways of concern to extinguish glass ceilings. This measure is a reactive 1. Companies have realized that know aparting against the publicity of adult females and minorities can be highly dearly-won, as tribunal instances have shown, and really unethical. The value of adult females and their parts to their companies has merely late been recognized. Change is decidedly fetching topographic point. The glass ceiling is checking as more and more adult females are promoted to occupations that otherwise would hold been filled by work forces
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Grizzly Man
Introduction Werner Herzog made this movie in order to analyze the conflict between man and nature. He intended on showing that man cannot cause nature to dance to his tune, and it is this misconception that can sometimes lead to dire consequences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Grizzly Man specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The production Contrary to what one might expect from the movie, Grizzly Bear is not a movie about bears, foxes or wild scenery; it is a movie about the thin line between prey and predator, or man and his environment. The author intended on revealing how this boundary can get blurred very easily, but it must never be crossed. Treadwell often asserted that he liked it in the wild, and did not really fit in with humans. These sentiments are echoed in more than one way in the movie. He was induced into the much simpler world of the bears, and at times forgot that these were deadly creatures t hat could take away his life. Herzog believed that this was Treadwell’s great oversight. To the author, man should never lose sight of his place, or else nature would turn around and bite him. In the movie, Herzog comments that Treadwell thought of the human world as a foreign thing. He then likens the glacier, tumbling ice and abysses to Treadwell’s soul. He believes that the turmoil in that landscape was synonymous with the turmoil in the lead character’s soul. Treadwell was not able to tame these disturbances, and they eventually led to his ruin. The author wanted to contrast the illusions that were perceived by Treadwell and the reality that existed around him. The illusion was that Treadwell thought that the wild environment was a brilliant place. However, the reality (as posited by the author) was that bears were harsh, so humans could never really belong to their world because they were different. Herzog illustrated that regardless of one’s intenti ons, there were lines that should never be crossed. The author sums up his beliefs and intentions towards the end of the movie when he asserts that â€Å"I discover no kinship, no understanding, and no mercy. I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature†(Herzog 92) The author of the movie is probably addressing psycho analysts, sociologists and individuals who want to understand the human psyche. While the documentary is set in the wild, it actually focuses on human nature. Treadwell’s weaknesses were a reflection of human limitations. The author wanted to demystify the main character’s choices and preferences, but he wanted to achieve this through a respectful approach.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Herzog addresses his main concern clearly and persuasively. First, he plays by the rules of nature programming; any good nature movie ought to have plen ty of wildlife, a great lead character, an endearing story and beautiful scenery to boot. These elements were carefully interwoven in the documentary. He then offers his commentaries throughout the movie by adding little bits of facts as he goes along. For instance, at some point, he says that â€Å"Treadwell saw himself as the guardian of this land †¦ fighting the bad guys†¦But all this land is a federally protected reserve.†(Herzog 8). Such assertions were essential in advancing the plot. They informed the audience about the detachment of the lead character from reality through Herzog’s objective tone. In fact, the tone used by this author was one that gave him a vantage point because it contrasted him to Treadwell. While the narrator was calm, informative and objective, the lead character was moody, personal and delicate. This renders credibility to Herzog even as Treadwell continues to become more pitiable as the story unfolds. Conclusion The author of t his narrative played the role of an analyst. He wanted to bring out the conflict between man and nature. Consequently, one can say that the story was intended for an audience with some interest in psychoanalysis. His objective and factual interludes were essential in rendering strength to his arguments. Work Cited Herzog, Werner. Grizzly man. Internet Movie Database, 12 Aug, 2005. Web. This essay on The Grizzly Man was written and submitted by user Vihaan Wilkinson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus
AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus AIDS Gonzales 1 The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first discovered in 1981 as a unique and newly recognized infection of the bodys immune system (Mellors 3). The name AIDS was formally know as GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Defiance Syndrome). The first case of AIDS was discovered in Los Angeles, where scientists from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were called in on a half dozen cases. The CDC was convinced what they were seeing was a new strand of virus. None of the staff members had ever seen a strand of virus that could do so much destruction to the immune system like this one did. Many theories about this disease were in question. Many scientists believed it originated in Africa. Many thought the virus existed in humans in South Central Africa for hundreds and thousands of years, causing only minor symptoms in isolated groups until it spread more widely. AIDS could also be traced back to 1959, where a blood sample was taken from a man from Zaire and then frozen. Labs later indicated that the blood sample had the AIDS virus strand in it. Some weird theories also arose in the science arena, where some scientists believed that the virus was caused by a mutation of an existing virus. Others thought it was a creation of God to punish sinful people. A former government worker claimed it was a plot by the CIA to eliminate the population. One scientist thought the virus was brought here from outer space. One more theory about this virus was this was natures way of telling us we have to many people. Gonzales 2 The AIDS rate was known to be very high in homosexual men. It was believed that the AIDS virus was carried from Africa to Haiti. Haiti was known as gay paradise, because it was a popular vacation spot for homosexuals. Bathhouses were the hang out for many homosexual men and a place where prostitution flourished. Some bathhouses reported that more than 1000 men would visit each year. Since many men from all over the world visited these bathhouses, researchers believed the spread of AIDS could be linked to this type of behavior. There are many symptoms that are associated with the AIDS virus, such as HIV (Human Immundodeficiency Virus). HIV is subdivided into two related types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is individuals at high risk for developing the AIDS virus. HIV-2 is among people in West Africa and a few other cities that have the strand of the virus called SIV (Simian Immundefienciency Virus) which is found in wild African monkeys. The pattern of the HIV virus usually lasts up to ten years before any symptoms are detected. The first stage is the Primary HIV infection stage. This is where the disease is first detected. Following 3-6 weeks after the initial detection, the Acute HIV Syndrome stage kicks in. Some symptoms to look for in this stage are fever, headaches, sore throat, rashes, and diarrhea. The next stage is the Clinical Latency stage. This stage usually lasts for several years. Some symptoms to look for in this stag e are fever, weight loss, fatigue, night Gonzales 3 sweats, and diarrhea. Some infections to look for in this stage are Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Herpes simplex, and lesions on the body. Following the pain and suffering that comes with all these symptoms; death finally takes its toll on another victim. The death toll that AIDS has inflicted on America today is unbelievably high. Within the past decade, the pandemic of HIV and AIDS infections has spread all across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by mid 1996 approximately 28 million people worldwide would had been infected with the HIV virus, of whom 8 million have developed the AIDS and nearly 6 million, including 1.3 million children had died (Mellors 4). It is estimated that about 22 million adults and children are infected worldwide from the HIV virus, and of the 22 million people, about 1 million are in the United States, 5 million in Asia, and about 14 million people in Africa. By the year 2000, the number of AIDS infections will reach about 40 million people across the
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Centeotl - The Aztec God (or Goddess) of Maize
Centeotl - The Aztec God (or Goddess) of Maize Centeotl (sometimes spelled Cinteotl or Tzinteotl and sometimes called Xochipilli or Flower Prince) was the main Aztec god of American corn, known as maize. Centeotls name (pronounced something like Zin-tay-AH-tul) means â€Å"Maize Cob Lord†or â€Å"the Dried Ear of the Maize God†. Other Aztec gods associated with this all-important crop included the goddess of sweet corn and tamales Xilonen (Tender Maize), the goddess of seed corn Chicomecotl (Seven Serpent), and Xipe Totec, the fierce god of fertility and agriculture. Centeotl represents the Aztec version of a more ancient, pan-Mesoamerican deity. Earlier Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Olmec and Maya, worshiped the maize god as one of the most important sources of life and reproduction. Several figurines found at Teotihuacn were representations of a maize goddess, with a coiffure resembling a tasseled ear of maize. In many Mesoamerican cultures, the idea of kingship was associated with the maize god. Origin of the Maize God Centeotl was the son of Tlazolteotl or Toci, the goddess of fertility and childbirth, and as Xochipilli he was the husband of Xochiquetzal, the first woman to give birth. Like many Aztec deities, the maize god had a dual aspect, both masculine and feminine. Many Nahua (Aztec language) sources report that the Maize god was born a goddess, and only in later times became a male god named Centeotl, with a feminine counterpart, the goddess Chicomecotl. Centeotl and Chicomecotl oversaw different stages in maize growth and maturation. Aztec mythology holds that the god Quetzalcoatl gave maize to humans. The myth reports that during the 5th Sun, Quetzalcoatl spotted a red ant carrying a maize kernel. He followed the ant and reached the place where maize grew, the â€Å"Mountain of Sustenance†, or Tonacatepetl (Ton-ah-cah-TEP-eh-tel) in Nahua. There Quetzalcoatl turned himself into a black ant and stole a kernel of corn to bring back to the humans to plant. According to a story collected by the Spanish colonial period Franciscan friar and scholar Bernardino de Sahagà ºn, Centeotl made a journey into the underworld and returned with cotton, sweet potatoes, huauzontle (chenopodium), and the intoxicating drink made from agave called octli or pulque, all of which he gave to humans. For this resurrection story, Centeotl is sometimes associated with Venus, the morning star. According to Sahagun, there was a temple dedicated to Centeotl in the sacred precinct of Tenochtitln. Maize God Festivities The fourth month of the Aztec calendar is called Huei Tozoztli (The Big Sleep), and it was dedicated to the maize gods Centeotl and Chicomecotl. Different ceremonies dedicated to green maize and grass took place in this month, which began around April 30th. To honor the maize gods, people carried out self-sacrifices, performing blood-letting rituals, and sprinkling the blood throughout their houses. Young women adorned themselves with necklaces of corn seeds. Maize ears and seeds were brought back from the field, the former placed in front of the gods images, whereas the latter were stored for planting in the next season. The cult of Centeotl overlapped that of Tlaloc and embraced various deities of solar warmth, flowers, feasting, and pleasure. As the son of the earth goddess Toci, Centeotl was worshipped alongside Chicomecoati and Xilonen during the 11th month of Ochpaniztli, which begins September 27th on our calendar. During this month, a woman was sacrificed and her skin was used to make a mask for Centeotls priest. Maize God Images Centeotl is often represented in Aztec codices as a young man, with maize cobs and ears sprouting from his head, handling a scepter with green cob’s ears. In the Florentine Codex, Centeotl is illustrated as the god of harvest and crop production. As Xochipilli Centeotl, the god is sometimes represented as the monkey god Oà §omtli, the god of sports, dancing, amusements and good luck in games. A carved paddle-shaped palmate stone in the collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts (Cavallo 1949) may illustrate Centeotl receiving or attending a human sacrifice. The head of the deity resembles a monkey and he has a tail; the figure is standing on or floating above the chest of a prone figure. A large headdress accounting for over half of the length of the stone rises above Centeotls head and is made up of either maize plants or possibly agave. Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Sources Aridjis, Homero. Deidades Del Panteà ³n Mexica Del Maà z. Artes de Mà ©xico 79 (2006): 16–17. Print.Berdan, Frances F. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.Carrasco, David. Central Mexican Religion. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 102–08. Print.Cavallo, A. S. A Totonac Palmate Stone. Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts 29.3 (1949): 56–58. Durand-Forest, Jacqueline, and Michel Graulich. On Paradise Lost in Central Mexico. Current Anthropology 25.1 (1984): 134–35. Print.Long, Richard C. E. 167. A Dated Statuette of Centeotl. Man 38 (1938): 143–43. Print.Là ³pez Luhan, Leonardo. Tenochtitln: Ceremonial Center. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 712 –17. Print.Menà ©ndez, Élisabeth. Maà ¯s Et Divinites Du Maà ¯s Daprà ¨s Les Sources Anciennes. Journal de la Socià ©tà © des Amà ©ricanistes 64 (1977): 19–27. Print. Smith, Michael E. The Aztecs. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Print.Taube, Karl A. Aztec and Maya Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.Taube, Karl. Teotihuacn: Religion and Deities. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 731–34. Print.Von Tuerenhout, Dirk R. The Aztecs: New Perspectives. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Inc., 2005. Print.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Punjabis Folk Dance Bhangra Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Punjabis Folk Dance Bhangra - Research Paper Example Punjab folk singers have also developed bhangra in United Kingdom. Major Punjabis’ migrations to the United Kingdom led to the spread of bhangra music, thus making it popular in Britain (Katz 33). However, it was heavily influenced by rock sounds infusion in Britain as well as the need to do away with the repetitive, simple Punjabi folk music. Furthermore, it triggered the development of Asian British youth culture which was distinctive and more self conscious. This culture revolved around experimental sense of gesture, language, desires and bodily signification in situations of tension between racist elements and British culture that had signaled alienation of minority ethnic groups. This situation fostered the need for positive culture and identity affirmation and gave way for Punjabis males in Britain to show their masculinity. Another factor that has helped in the survival of Bhangra is involvement of women in the dance in the second generation in south Asian America where women are increasingly using bhangra to define their cultural identity (Katz 33). As opposed in the past, it was purely a male dance that involved intense and strong movements. 1980s was the golden era for Bhangraheads with melody as the primary emphasis where it was played out on a harmonium, synthesizer, guitar or accordion; the composer received very many fans which exceeded those of the vocalist. The music was also independent of the used instruments (Sharma 77). This made it easy to be played by many communities’ world wide using own instruments. Further more, it gave room for the artists and other performers to use instruments of their own choice and which they were comfortable in. therefore, many people irrespective of their... The research offers a variety of ways of looking at the dance, including a consideration of the culture's history, environment, economics and worldview. Sometimes additional percussions including the tabla were used to accompany the dhol and dholki although it was less frequently used as a solo instrument. The bhangra lyric majorly cover social issues such as love, money, relationships and marriage and is always sung in Punjabi language. The lyrics are mostly tributes to the rich cultural traditions of the Punjabis especially those ones devoted to Punjabi pride, themes and Punjabi heroes. Many of the bhangra tracks are written about Udam Singh and Bhagat Singh. This paper makes a conclusion that Like Bhangra dance, ballroom dance is also popular in the whole world but it is more entertaining. It is also a dance for the elites while Bhangra is a dance for people from all social backgrounds. Similarly, it has many dance styles and techniques and also uses a variety of instruments. Ballet dance is however common in Russia and France, though it is slowly penetrating in other countries. Folk dances are performed at social events just like bhangra but are performed in dance groups. Folk dances are performed differently by different communities from various parts of the world. From the Moroccan Muslims, Indian folk, to Scottish dances, they all have their own charm and beauty. Theses dances have their own different styles that differentiate them from others.
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Current Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Case Study
The Current Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine - Case Study Example The audience of this article can be students, college instructors, lawyers, political leaders, and everyone else that is keen on international relations. In order to attract and keep the audience, the author of this article should be objective and attempt to provide possible solutions to this issue, as this issue has the potential of impacting the world economy in a negative manner. The major argument that the author of this article makes is that Russia is wrong in its invasion of Ukraine and that the international fraternity should intervene in this issue, as this has not attempted to deter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Most importantly, the author acknowledges the fact that the United States has not been instrumental in controlling this conflict, even though this is the current world superpower. The author, therefore, holds the assumption that the United States, as the world superpower has a leading role to play in ensuring the peaceful co-existence between Russia and Ukrain e. The author also holds the assumption that by invading Ukraine, Mr. Putin is out to satisfy his personal and political interests. The values of the author of this article that are evident include peace, justice, and fairness. This is evident in the way the author is opposed to the conflict and acknowledges the fact that Russia is wrong in invading Ukraine. The author goes ahead to propose various strategies that could be put in place to effectively stop the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Identifying Ukraine as the victim in this conflict, the author recommends that different sanctions be imposed on Russia and military aid be provided for Ukraine. This is all aimed at stopping the conflict, hence fostering healthy relations between the two countries. In laying out their argument, the author has not made use hard facts but only based on the different events that have unfolded in the conflict.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Designing a 1MW Solar Power Plant
Designing a 1MW Solar Power Plant Introduction CE 1.1 Turn the air con on, its 45 degrees Celsius already, said my mum. The weariness of stifling heat with the tops of dry 45 degrees Celsius radiated in her tone. But there was no electricity for the past 9 hours. Wretched in the state of disbelief, I realized the painful dilemma of Electricity load shedding was worsening day by day. Thats when I thought to channelize my engineering skills to overcome this issue. And it was back then in 7th Semester of my Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering (University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore) in 2012, I planned to use the scorching heat to produce electricity and design an alternative for the conventional method. I later pitched this idea to my professors who took me under their wings and mentored me to design and present it as a final year project. I was heading a group of 4 team members. Background CE 1.2 During my fifth semester in the university I studied a subject related to renewable energy resources and it fascinated me big time. Most of these resources are environmentally friendly and they would be here to serve us even when the other traditional energy resources would be depleted. Especially in country like Pakistan, its the need of hour to explore the renewable resources. Despite having the potential, Pakistan is energy deficient. I decided to work on renewable energy resources during my final year project in an attempt to help the country with potential ways to produce energy. Nature of project CE 1.3 The nature of the project was to study the renewable resources currently deployed in the country and the scope of sustainable energy in the country. Particularly, Concentrated Solar Power was the main focus of the project including development of concentrated solar thermal power by using Parabolic Trough Technology. Objective of the Project CE 1.4 The objective of the project was to design 1MW solar power plant using parabolic trough technology and help Pakistan to overcome energy crisis by using the economical energy resources. Nature of My Particular work area CE 1.5 Being the leader of the group, I had to perform many duties. Some of them are listed below: Assigning tasks to team members Keep track of the work done by group members Arrange meetings between group members and supervisor Selection of technology for solar power Design calculations Report writing CE 1.6 Organizational structure Personal Engineering Activity CE 1.7 After being selected as leader it was my responsibility to start the project right away. So that it could be finished on time. I divided the project into different parts and assigned each part to different member of the group. I had to perform the design calculations and report writing. Other two members had to do literature review, select a storage system and provide conclusion and recommendations. CE 1.8 To control the overall project it was required to set target dates for each activity, I used Microsoft project to help me in project planning. While assigning the tasks to the members, I also made sure to give them a particular time period to finish each task. After assigning the tasks I kept track of their performances by conducting frequent meetings. If someone was lagging behind, I made sure to help him finish the task within advised time. It helped me a lot to finish the project efficiently before the due date. CE 1.9 I had to keep the supervisor aware of the progress of project. During the project I had many meetings with the supervisor for the consultation and as well as to report the progress of team members and myself. I had to keep record of all the activities from start of the project till the end and present them to the supervisor from time to time to see whether we were on track or not. CE 1.10 Basically solar power can be used in two different ways to produce the energy; Concentrating solar power and Photovoltaic. I had to decide which technology we were going to use in our project. The reason behind selecting the concentration technology was that the absorbing materials are more expensive than the reflecting materials. In concentration technology a large surface of reflecting material concentrates the solar power on to a smaller absorbing surface of a collector. Second reason was, due to small size of the collector surface the rate of heat loss from the collector would be low and they can be used at an elevated temperature. CE 1.11 After selecting the concentrating solar power as main source, I had to pick one of the man ways to concentrate solar power like Parabolic Trough, Solar power Tower, Dish String, Fresnel reflectors. Keeping the local conditions in Lahore in mind and to get a little flexibility I selected parabolic trough. Local conditions in Lahore are much suitable to produce power using a parabolic trough and it could also be used with constant tracking or seasonally adjusted, depending upon the efficiency needed and finances available. CE 1.12 To begin with the designing, first I had to find the values of enthalpies at different points of the cycle. After that I had to calculate the energy required from concentration and fluid and cooling media flow rates required to produce 1MW electricity. That energy helped me to decide the field requirement and configure solar filed. CE 1.13 On the basis on the environment locally in Lahore, I had to set some input parameters for the design. The solar irradiation in Lahore was enough to produce the required input temperature and on the base of temperature the value of operating pressure was fixed. Parameters I used, are given below: Power Output at Turbine Shaft Steam Pressure to Inlet of Turbine Steam Pressure at the outlet of Turbine Steam Temperature to Inlet of Turbine Specific heat capacity water CE 1.14 In designing different assumptions were made on the basis of literature review. Assumptions used in calculations are given below Steam Generator Efficiency = 85 Isentropic Efficiency of Turbine Isentropic Efficiency of Pump Reflectors Absorbers Combined Efficiency Land Usage Factor Condenser Water Temperature Difference Solar Insulation CE 1.15 After setting all the parameters and assumptions I did Enthalpy Calculations. The Rankine cycle and line diagram of such a system are shown below Figure 1: Real Rankine cycle (non-ideal) The real life Rankine cycle is composed of 6 processes as shown above in figure 1. Stage 1-2, boiler increases the fluid temperature and pressure to convert it to a point where the addition of latent heat will lead to the conversion of liquid into wet steam, as shown from point 2-3; Stage 3-4 leads to a pressure increase to convert the wet liquid into superheated steam. After the work done by the steam, stage 5-6, the losses in pressure and temperature due to turbine work leading to the next stage where condensation occurs. The working fluid is heated a bit to improve the efficiency of the system and the cycle is repeated again. The process is illustrated in figure 1. The figure 2 shows all these processes in a parabolic trough system. From stage 1-2, concentrated solar energy increases the fluid temperature and pressure. Stage 2-3 converts this fluid into wet steam, using solar energy. During stage 3-4, further addition of energy converts the liquid into superheated steam. Pressurized superheated steam expands in a steam turbine which operates a generator to produce electricity. In the last stage, this low pressure and temperature steam, eventually, condenses into fluid again. Figure 2: Parabolic Trough System The values of enthalpies and entropies at different temperatures and pressures, at different points in Rankine cycle, were taken from the steam table. The enthalpy of steam at the inlet of steam turbine (h4) at the pressure and temperature values of So The entropy of steam at the inlet of steam turbine (S4) at the pressure and temperature values of So Because the ideal expansion in the steam turbine was Isentropic So The entropy of the steam at the exit of steam turbine can be determined from the formula Where The entropies of steam at the exit of steam turbine (SE) at the pressure value of So, by using above given formula, the valve of dryness fraction was To find the enthalpy of steam at the exit of steam turbine (Ideal), following equation was used = The enthalpies of steam at the exit of steam turbine (SE) at the pressure value of Then The isentropic efficiency of the steam turbine was given by the following relation Using equation The actual dryness fraction now can be calculated from the following relation = So The enthalpy of steam after the condenser at the stage 6 was given by V1 is the specific volume of the saturated liquid taken from the steam table at P5 The work of pump was calculated using the formula The enthalpy of liquid at the outlet of pump i.e. at stage 1 was given as So The isentropic efficiency of the pump was given by the following relation Using above equation, the actual value of enthalpy can be calculated So CE 1.16 Using the enthalpies calculated in the earlier step, I calculated the steam flow rate. The energy required to convert the saturated liquid from point 1 into superheated steam to point 4 is given by The work output/kg of steam flow of the turbine was given by The power output at the outlet of turbine was obtained by dividing the system output by generator efficiency so it was given by This output was equal to turbine work output/kg of steam flow multiplied by its flow rate so given by the following formula CE 1.17 Steam flow rate was used to calculate the condenser water flow rate. The heat rejected by the water in the condenser/kg of water flow was calculated as: If the temperature differential of inlet and outlet of condenser is then So, the total energy that we require from solar concentration to generate 1MW electricity was calculated by This is the amount of energy we have to produce from the concentration of solar irradiance using solar field consists of reflectors and receivers. CE 1.18 After calculating the energy required from solar concentration, I used that energy to calculate the size of filed required. I already had the assumed values of solar insulation G and combined efficiency of absorber and reflectors. Reflector area was calculated using following formula Where is the reflector area in m2 So Taking into account the land usage factor Lu=60% So CE 1.19 In the last step I calculated the overall efficiency of the plant by taking ratio of power output to power input. Where So the overall efficiency comes out to be CE 1.20 In safety talks I cautioned my team members to be careful around the hot surfaces. I placed the warning signs near high temperature and high pressure points.I advised my group members to protect their skin by covering it or by using sunscreen, while working outside, so that they could avoid sunburns. Due to these precautions, project was completed without any personal injuries. Summary CE 1.21 After all the hard yards of 6 months, I was able to present my design of 1 MW power plant run by solar power aimed to reduce energy deficiency. I presented it as my final year project (combined power point presentation + project report) in front of project supervisor, chairman of mechanical engineering department and an external examiner. It was a stepping stone in power industry in Pakistan. 1 MW power plant can produced sufficient energy to cater for the normal operation of the community households. Moreover, the innovation could not only reduce the global carbon foot print but it could also shift the reliance from already depleting traditional fossil fuel resources. This project helped to understand that its need of the day to switch our focus to renewable energy resources to cope with energy deficiency, more local councils are now encouraging to switch to micro energy renewable resources and design such plants. In the end, I would like to say that it was a great honor for me to see people getting inspiration from my work and using the renewable energy to fix the biggest problem of the country.
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